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Sarah Jane Farrell’s Special Offer

With this Special Offer from Sarah-Jane, you will learn…

  • The difference between depression and sadness and how to pull yourself upward fast
  • The gift of imperfection and depression
  • How to breakthrough anxiety and obsessive, compulsive addictive points of view
  • Gain Clarity of Purpose and Direction to align with your heart song
  • Learn About Cutting-Edge, All-Natural Supplements to Balance Brain Chemistry
  • Heal from Stress and Trauma
  • Re-pattern Your genetic code and Nervous System to Deeply Imprint Safety, Joy, Harmony and Peace
  • Break Through those Old Paradigms, programming, belief systems so that you can track Your Own Course
  • Employ Your Inner Critic & Stop Self-Sabotage
  • Become a Master at Creating Every Day Rituals for Conscious Living
  • Get Out of Negative Mental Loops Sidetracking Your Focus
  • Go with the flow of life’s ups and downs No Matter What Life Throws at You
  • Fall in Love with Yourself and Life Again
  • Heal from grief, surrender to the flow of your unique Diamond code blueprint and create a Life that You LOVE

If you are ready to take responsibility for your own health and increase the level of personal commitment to the process of whole-hearted living, this package is a great place to start. Our animal companions are affected both physically and mentally by our state of mind and body and will take on our dis-ease in order for us to right our course even to the point of death. Just like us they come to this life with their own soul contracts with us and their own purpose. Be your own medicine and those around you will benefit from your self care naturally including your animal companions.

These lessons and programs will assist them to also live more happy, healthy vibrant lives with you.



Five Elements – Cycles of Generation and Control & Going with the Flow through the Ancient Medicine Wheel


Value $497


Full Body Balance through the 5 Elements to Whole Hearted Healthy Living

“Where ancient wisdom meets modern energy medicine”

Everything is connected to everything and everything is Qi or energy.

1. FIRE ELEMENT: Get a heart! Defragmentation  (Heart/PC/Small intestines/ adrenals)

phoenix-risingPhoenix rising – hormonal balance, core fractures, family genetic inheritance and environmental programming systems and implanted thoughts feelings and emotions.   Happy hormones: pineal to pituitary gland and triple heater balance amongst the burners Endocrine system. Symptoms of achy sore muscles or the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia always start with poor circulation of blood. This audio is a lesson that covers the importance of the vital substance: Blood. Blood is both nourishing and moistening and is the accumulated consciousness of the whole bodymind complex. Belief systems can reduce the flow of blood and limit information and rigid thinking. Blood is the life energy that nourishes the bodymind and follows Qi. If our thoughts are scattered, we have scattered Qi which leads to scattered blood flow. Speech impediments, stuttering is a heart imbalance where the person cannot express their truth. When we work on moving the Qi, we can work on moving the thoughts. All dis-ease comes from poor blood circulation where there is either

  • Not enough blood
  • Poor blood quality
  • Not getting the blood to the right places

During the session you will receive a general balancing session that will work on the aspects of your innate body wisdom to balance and improve the lines of communication and optimize the blood flow through the body. On a higher consciousness the session will reconnect the heart to know it is not separate but connected to everything.


2. EARTH ELEMENT: Reclaim your intuition & trust your gut (spleen/stomach brain/mouth/pancreas)

earth-elementYou can have a sweet life and lift depression if you balance the EARTH element, you can resolve many other imbalances in the body because everything goes through the Earth which allows us to PAUSE and have  smooth transitions including the cranial rhythm in the brain. The brain to stomach brain boost will rebalance, innervate and optimize on many levels. By increasing circulation of lymph, blood and nerves and the higher frequencies and cellular consciousness of how you digest your life. Changes have been seen in ph balance and healthy intestinal flora, microbes like viruses and bacterias, yeasts, fungus, parasites. When  digestive enzymes function at their optimal people and their pets have experienced clear minds,  increased self esteem and confidence, weight loss, change in addictive patterns, disappearance of hemorroids, insomnia and cravings which can all be an indication of a weak spleen/pancreas in the small intestine. The clearings, activations and general balancing session is designed to assist you in changing worry and a lack of confidence or self esteem which  weakens the qi. This session will gives you a deeper understanding of the consciousness and importance of these organs and endocrines and body parts governed by the Earth element. Circulation nerves, blood and lymphatic system. It is time to digest all of life and let the sweetness in.


3. METAL ELEMENT: the gift of depression (lung/ large intestine/nose/ digestive system)

metal-elementWhen nostalgia moves to depression we cannot let go of the past in grief and sadness. This audio gives you a deeper understanding of the Lung/ Large intestine meridian pathways and how they affect our ability to feel safe, breath in life fully and let go of anything no longer serving you. This healing session will run a defragmentation, specific to the group to clear and open the channels from the stomach brain up in to the lungs. Non inflectional pneumonia, asthma or breathing difficulties, chest weakness and skin irritations an all be an indication of unexpressed grief, crying inwards. The clearings and energetics activated in this session will optimize balance from the lung/large intestines back to the full meridian system and back to the brain for integration and recalibration. You may notice a change in tendencies in how you see perfectionism, any obsession around your future and getting it “right and perfect”, any compulsive, addictive point of views and move you in to a space of greater vulnerability. In this healing  we will focus on:

  • optimizing energy distribution of the full body systems
  • reboot and restructure the lines of communication along the vagus nerve back to the blood brain barrier, dna/rna/ lna and hypothalamus
  • release environmental toxins, radiation and toxic emf exposure including heavy metals
  • increase/ decrease metabolic functions for optimal absorbtion, reverse osmosis and digestion on the psora miasms causing any mental, emotional or physical intolerance on or under the skin creating topical conditions like excema or psoriasis or any allergic reactions
  • resolve physical pain such as tennis elbow, chest pain,constipation and dry mouth


4. WATER ELEMENT: Free to be Me – Sensual ,sexual, fertile living (kidney/bladder/ears/thyroid/muscular skeletal system and spinal balance)

water-elementThis healing session will eliminate any and all shock and trauma systems from this life time and other lifetimes that have not been released completely. These attitudes and beliefs to any kind of trauma including invasive surgeries, accidents, physical and mental abuse that get stuck in the fascia and are showing up in various ways such as low grade fear, anxiety caused by seed thoughts, ancestral inheritance of low kidney qi and core fractures or suspicion caused by entity attachment, will release in the timing most suited for your physical body to handle without going in to a healing crisis although this may feel like a detox or flu like symptoms. Plug in to your creative flow and open your channels to your vital life force and sexual energy and know you are safe and protected.   If you lack vitality, low libido, have no enthusiasm for life, suffer from tinnitus, panic attacks, premature aging, knee pain, vertigo or any other associated symptoms of existential fear of survival or have control issues, FREE to BE is the one session to run often. Weakened or depleted life force energy, the  kidney qi often expresses as overwhelm and lack of control for example incontinence, bedwetting with children or with your pets urinating in odd places.   If you have a tendency towards urinary infections, suspicion, frustration, anger or resentment towards your sexual partner or any issues with your reproductive system such as endometriosis or fertility issues this session with the embedded vibrational frequencies will assist in restoring your passive and active reproduction, the way you create everything in your life from excitement rather than mis identified fear  and restore vital life force energies. In western medicine sound frequency is what is used (although they won’t tell you that) to break down kidney stones. We will be working on the higher frequencies of mind crystals in the satva. By transmuting the fractals held in place through the collective fear lack and scarcity and the natural uplevels of the Earth you will feel calmer, connected and grounded into the zero point field.


5. Wood Element – From stuck to inspired action (liver/gall bladder/ eyes/ thymus)

wood-elementThis healing session will assist your liver to detox and give your immune system a boost by upgrading its data base of mutated microbes such as bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi. The gall bladder produces our wei qi so that we have healthy boundaries and can say no to things that are not in our best interests and will increase your Physical Vibration and Stamina .   When you can see things clearly, then planning and decision making make action steps easier. As the liver channel ends in the eye, many have reported that their eyesight has improved from running the Wood element program over and over while they sleep.   If you are constantly sighing, have side of head headaches and feel stuck in life, the liver qi or energy is normally weak and the liver or gall bladder meridians could be stagnant. The liver gives us our optimism and courage – the ability to plan and decide on where and how to move forward in our lives. The liver generates anger in its healthy expression to move us forward and keep the immune function of the thymus strong and healthy.   First of all, stagnation can come from many different things. Inflammation would be a form of stagnation. Toxicity will be a form of stagnation. Emotions will stagnate us, particularly anger and depression. Relationships can stagnate us. It’s any relationship. It could be to a person, it could be to a way of making a living. It could be the way you relate to yourself.


Value $497


Expanding your Joy through the 4 Compass directions of Life and the Elementals of Fire, Earth, Water and Air. The Tao of Wholehearted Living

Get back on track to living in your true nature. Through this content packed 5 part master class you will confidently be able to navigate through the challenges and mysteries of life’s ups and downs and in betweens with more congruence and resilience. Write your unique prescription to whole health and happiness through the knowledge and application of natures source.


Pre study: Introduction to the ancient medicine wheel and quantum physics



Class 1 Light the fire within The Mind:
Truth versus True Self, the Anti-You Ego, Head tripping, and the Element of Fire

Class 2  The Heart coming home to the flow of Emotions:
Forming Expansive Nurturing Relationships, Separation sickness, and the Element of Water

Class 3 The Body Trusting your gut in the Body:
The I am presence, rest phase and inner quiet, and the Element of Earth

Class 4 Spirit The Breath of Life in Spirit:
The gift of being you as the contribution to the whole through the Element of Air.

*You will also receive class bonus resources, audio & worksheets to supplement your experience. All 90 minute calls are in MP3 format for you to download and play again and again.


BONUS 1 Activating the diamond code for cellular level healing

In this time of chaotic nodes, this activation of your Diamond Code with assist your physical body and brain generate new circuitry and neural pathways so that you can have more ease and less stress on your physical body.

BONUS 2 Coming Home

This guided mediation will connect you with your animal guide to assist you in creating more clarity, ease and insight into who you are and what you are here to do. Listen to what your animal totem is here to teach you and know you are supported. Ask for guidance with whatever challenge or difficulty you are going through and receive energetic support, love and allowance. Now is the time to change nature deficit disorder to innate wisdom and connection. By working with animal totems you can take lion to your next board to give you the strength and courage to  stand in your truth meeting or horse to the school playground to heal the bully. Call in snake medicine to guide you in your next step of growth or conserve your energies or maybe you bring in elephant to remind you to connect with the earth grid and remember you are totally supported by the herd. Decoding animal archetypes and how to use them in conscious living .

BONUS 3 Group Body Talk Deep Dive Healing Session

This group healing session and the quantum formula set up by innate wisdom of  the collective will work on the appropriate level for your body mind to harmonise and balance any incongruence in your life right now and any thoughts, feelings in emotions creating physical disease in your body and min.

BONUS 4 30 Day Self Love Challenge

The world does not need saving, it needs to be loved in to a higher state of being through you loving YOU. Imagine a world with no judgment where love, kindness, honoring, vulnerability and joy are the new normal? Each day for 30 days you will receive an audio love notes from your heart with daily rituals, meditations and tolls to lift you out of depression, disease and disharmony patterns of shame, blame and hopelessness and into your one precious life where love is all there is.



Package A

Everything listed above

Value $497
You Awakening Special Price Only $97



Everything in Package A PLUS

Two 60 minute “Ask Me Anything Group Sessions”

(Total Value $694)
You Awakening Special Price Only $147




Everything in Package A and B PLUS

30 minute private 1 on 1 healing energy session

30 minute private 1 on 1 healing energy session for you and your animal companion or a core reading with our animal totem.

(Total Value $844)
You Awakening Special Price Only $197
