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Anyaa Lightheart Special Offer


Package A:

The Constellation of Goddesses:
Integrating the Divine Feminine through your DNA.

The Constellation of Goddesses: Integrating the Divine Feminine through your DNA.

Are you ready to live in a high vibrational timeline with an open heart to live freely in flow with Spirit?

Join this 7-week program that was channeled with the intention to activate your heart to pure love, and the power of creation and manifestation of a high vibrational timeline. This program is an accelerated spiritual process where the Constellation of Goddesses, a group of many high vibrational female Beings, come forward to help you step into your power, open your heart to pure love and remind you how to become your own master.

“We are the Constellation of Goddesses and we come together to share with you the collective feminine wisdom.”

Here is where you get to connect with different deities to recalibrate your heart to a higher vibration in a very gentle and safe way! Through the channeled activations and clearings, you will have the opportunity to work with multiple goddesses and collectives, creating a safe space for you to identify your Star Family and work with new guides.

Join us, and discover what you have been storing in your heart for so long, preventing you from expanding it to its greatest possibilities. Every week we will go deeper until there is nothing but an expanded, activated heart!

The goddesses will continue to work with you in your daily life, as you integrate the energies in between sessions. All Lightplayers signing up for this powerful experience get to ask any questions in a private, safe Facebook community. Are you ready to live with an expanded heart?

Some benefits:

  • Receive DNA activations.
  • Get to know each goddess’ energy.
  • Work with new guides.
  • Clearings and activations to help you raise your vibration.
  • Let go of old timelines to create space for new opportunities in your life that are in resonance with your heart’s new vibration.
  • Integrate the divine female energy in a very gentle, yet powerful way.
  • Receive a download and activation of light codes.
  • Activate your womb & heart center to your infinite creative self.
  • Men and women, ALL lightplayers, get to consciously help the divine feminine rise and expand as we co-actively recalibrate humanity’s heart.

Plus, you get:

  • 7 powerful 15-20 minute meditations for activations and clearings.
  • Private FB group where you can ask questions and share your experiences.
  • BONUS 1 live call for an intimate collective clearing session with Na-E-Ha + Q&A.

The Constellation of Goddesses: Healing and Empowering the Divine Feminine through the Collective DNA.

1 CLEARING – Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth (5th Dimension). First things first, set the ground by connecting back to your roots and clearing the path.
2 CLEARING – Ix Chel, Mayan moon goddess + Sirian Lionesses. Reconstructing from the ground up. Before you can move to another timeline you must create the sacred space for new possibilities.
3 ACTIVATION – Pele Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanos + Lemurian Collective. Purify your heart and ignite your passion. What is in your heart? Find your fire.
4 ACTIVATION – Mother Mary “Queen of Angels” + Angelic Realm. Amplifying your creative center through an activation of your heart and the womb chakras.
5 CLEARING – Isis Egyptian goddess of magic + Atlantean Dolphins of Magnetic Service. Open your soul’s record and clear your multidimensional timelines.
6 CLEARING – Kali Hindu goddess of birth, death, and rebirth + Arcturian Collective. Final clearing. Cleanse away the collective karma to create space for life.
7 ACTIVATION – Brigit Celtic goddess of fire + Pleiadian Collective. You will receive a download of codes of light to activate and amplify the divine female energy.


Package A

Retail Value: $1,100

You Awakening Special Price: $137


Package B:

Package A, Plus 1-on-1 30 Minute Private Session

1-on-1 30 Minute Private Session: Clearing of Multidimensional Timelines through the DNA: Where new timelines are created for Lightplayers to evolve at a higher frequency!

Your private session is a collaboration among yourself and your guides channeled through me, Anyaa. I will set the highest intention to clear density from this timeline and others to help you co-create with Spirit a high vibrational timeline. This is an opportunity to connect with your guides and bring clarity regarding your next step when it comes to your spiritual development, creating a harmonious life, or anything that is preventing you from feeling balanced, happy, and peaceful.

The session begins by clearing your energetic field from any attachments or low vibrational entities, and general density. I only work with high vibrational, loving Beings. I always say: “if they aren’t [spirits] coming from a place of love, they aren’t welcome”. I work with multiple collectives, such as The 13th Council and Na-E-Ha, a 12th dimensional Pleiadian goddess. Some of my cosmic brothers and sisters are Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lemurian, Sirian. Ascended Masters such as the Mary Collective, Jesus along with the Archangels. Other entities of light will often step in during the clearings and activations. I will also channel your guides and the session often become a gathering of old friends, a reunion with your star family, and celebration of your mission here on Earth.

As the high vibrational guides step in, I will open your soul’s multidimensional records that are stored in your DNA to see how re-emerging patterns are tied together to other lives. The guides will show you the different timelines and soul memories that need your awareness to remove density and blocks from this life.

During the session, I may use other tools to remove blocks to help you take the next step towards a harmonious timeline. The tools include channeling, connecting you with your star family, recalibrating energetic points (including the womb chakra and other chakras besides the traditional 7), personalized light language symbols or mantras, and clearing lower frequency entities. In some cases, the guides will provide instructions to do DNA activations or download crystalline codes of light.

The session is 30 minutes long, allowing some time for questions. If you are highly sensitive, you might feel, hear, or see the energy/guides around you. Others don’t feel anything at all. Either way, you will still receive the same benefits.

After the sessions, you might feel lighter, more connected to yourself and your guides, and more aware of what step to take towards fulfilling your spiritual mission. It is also common for people to have sudden awakenings and remembrances. Some Lightplayers feel tired or relaxed after a session or in the days following a session. Please listen to your body, you are adjusting and integrating to the new frequency.

By the end of the session, you will know how to gently ground yourself and come back to your body while still feeling very expanded and lighter. Always follow your heart. Know that this is a safe space for you to explore emotions as you feel the support from your guides and the Universe as you step into your Divine power.

The session will be recorded and sent to you (please allow 48hrs to receive the recording).

Package B

Retail Value: $1,250

You Awakening Special Price: $197



I was introduced to Anyaa and her work through a show she did for Jacklyn Johnston and You Awakening. I really enjoyed Anyaa and the presentation. I was touched by the meditation she led and by her warmth, joy, and open presence. Over the next day or so, I looked into Anyaa’s 12-week course, “The Lightheart Series 1: DNA Crystallization” and checked in during my mediation to see if it was right for me at this time. It was and so I signed up. Twelve weeks later I have completed the course. If you have the time, I would like to share a few things about my experience.

First, I feel the course is accessible to both the beginner and the experienced practitioner. Each lesson is presented clearly and with Anyaa’s signature warmth. I listened to each one several times because I enjoyed and appreciated what Anyaa was communicating more each time. There is no “technical hoodoo” to deal with. Just be willing to be present, to stay out of your head, and be in your heart.

Second, there is a depth to the work that only comes from listening with your heart and living the lesson each day. I have a daily practice and I made each lesson part of my daily practice. Anyaa introduces a different being/collective each lesson. I included them in my daily prayers and meditations. I checked in several times a day to say hi and experience their presence and the work. There are other ways to do this, but this worked for me.

The beings and collectives Anyaa has you work with do so from such a loving place. Throughout each lesson Anyaa will remind you to stop and learn to experience their presence, their energy. For me, I was often overwhelmed by the love I felt when connecting with each group: Archangel Michael and Gabriel, Mother Mary and the feminine collective, the Pleidians, and others. As with love in its other manifestations, you don’t need to understand a what, why, or how, come with an open heart and let their love speak for itself.

And then there’s Anyaa, herself. I was struck from her first email welcoming me to the course that her love, support, and compassion for and with you, are part of the journey that this course takes you on. You will find in her a genuine collaborator supporting you, answering questions, helping at times to clarify what you are seeing, experiencing. She is an email away with responses that are direct to you and your questions, and not platitudes and generalizations. So refreshing! So filled with love and caring!

After 12 weeks, I can honestly say that I am changed, a better man. It’s not that I got The Answer. Life doesn’t work that way, LOL! By opening my heart, doing the practice, and reflecting on my experiences, I am able to see my life from a different perspective. I am able to experience love and compassion from a more open place. I am feeling a new sense of integration. And, yes, while there are other things I gained, I also have new friends to support the on-going work.

If any of this resonates for you, then take the time to ask yourself if this is the right work, at the right time for you. Whatever you decide, may our Father/Mother God, your highest guides and protectors, and the great company of Light ever guide your way!
Raul – Northen California

As someone who’s been on their spiritual path for 30+ years, the experiences I’ve gained and the people who’ve joined me on my path has been enlightening to say the least! It’s hard to put into words the immense impact that Anyaa and her work has had on my life. Her pure intention of heart coupled with her multidimensional gifts and talents and loving and gracious guides create a dynamic catalyst for change. Our session was very powerful, and I immediately felt a renewal of energy that had been missing from my life for a very long time. Right away, resources began to open up before me like stepping stones towards deeper and deeper levels of understanding and healing. Never before has it been so simple and clear to me—everyday reveals something new. Sometimes the path of self discovery is described as peeling away the layers of the onion to find one’s true self—this work with Anyaa has definitely accelerated this process! Her desire to help her clients as well as all humanity is clearly evident in her strong, powerful and supportive energy!
Debbie – Charlotte, North Carolina

Meeting with Anyaa brought forth a deep experience of awareness and meaning. I had to make up a new word to describe the session: Nexustastic!

NEXUS: – the point where different things or ideas come together or intersect; the nexus of a cell facilitates communication among the various parts and allows it to work properly.

TASTIC: – meaning very good in a particular way Just like the nexus of a cell, I was able to see how all the levels of my consciousness intersected and to experience communication among all of my parts to work properly. After the session all of the information and states of being attained during the session have integrated and persisted. It is a truly valued adventure!
Joyce – metroDetroit, Michigan

Thank you SO much to Anyaa. I love her. I had only one session so far, and my 15 year old son is looking forward to one too. She truly cares. I feel so blessed. Who she is and what she embodys is my new reality! She helped me get in touch with my creative and higher self, and my self in other timelines and dimensions. She pulled together parts of my soul and introduced me to new guides as well as saw and affirmed the healing I’m doing. Empowering and exciting. She had insight, grace, love and healing in a fresh and extraordinarily beautiful way. As an energy healer myself, she opened me up to what I already knew spiritually, but didn’t consciously have access to. She brought in Mother Mary as a healer in a pure and strong way. She helped heal my heart and helped me feelmore whole. I felt so happy and loved, and Anyaa takes healing to a whole new level. I love relistening to our session and get more from it each time. I feel so lucky to have had a session with her, and know it’s a matter of time before she is just expanding exponentially on in popularity. So grateful! My heart swells with joy to know she exists!
Lucy – Putney, Vermont

My session with Anyaa felt like a talk with a close friend. In her gentle, intuitive way, Anyaa helped me to better understand the situations and themes in my life, patterns throughout my incarnations, and tools I can use to help set myself onto the path of my highest, most beneficial timeline.

Anyaa shares insights as she receives them and it was fascinating for me to watch the process of our guides orchestrating the session. She also performed two activations which left me feeling lighter, loved, and empowered.

Anyaa is a sweet, sweet blessing to this world with a unique gift to share, and I feel so grateful to have received such powerful guidance from such a loving heart.
Stephanie – Manchester, Indiana

I continue to be in awe of my experience in the Akashic Records with Anyaa. Her guidance and healing tapped into places I knew needed loving care, as well as some that had lived beyond the veil. A beautiful, holy space opened in myself, a remembrance and embrace of who I am, the power of my heart and the ease with which trauma heals. Anyaa’s gentle removal of blocks combined with her ability to wisely and accurately share all she encountered felt to be moving mountains within my being, opening new portals of light, revealing and activating, updating codes of my soul. Anyaa’s reading paved the way for my next steps into creating a heart-centered healing bodywork practice that ignites and opens my entire being. I’m deeply grateful.
Jacqueline – Johns Creek, Georgia