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Manifest A Magical Life of Love, Prosperity, and Health
Jennifer is a Soul Sculptor who helps you break the mold and in these packages, she is giving you the keys to the Kingdom! If relationships and financial issues are challenging you, in eight weeks or less you’ll be vibrating at a higher level able to manifest what you desire.
Jennifer is a powerful healer who has been engaged to work with Wayne Dyer, Spiritual Masters, doctors, therapists and healers.
During the 5th week of Jennifer’s course, I met and fell in love with my soul mate! Lisa Barnes
I’ve been to many healers over the years, but the power behind Jennifer’s was something I had never experienced before. I felt wave after wave of energy lifting off me! Her work is profound. I feel lighter, calmer, my anxiety is gone and I began dating again. Marika D. Atlanta, GA
Jennifer helped me to become unstuck, claim my voice back, overcome fears and allow love in my life after twenty-five years. Dr. Helen Trimble
Jennifer helped me find love when an arranged marriage was looming on the horizon. Her energy clearings resolved past life issues with my mother-in-law to be which allowed our marriage to go on as planned. Dr. Falak Shaik
Jennifer cleared my energy after an intense breakup. Within minutes of her clearing, I no longer was crying after months of not being able to stop! I felt like a complete sense of renewal. Amy R. Portalnd
I feel like I’ve known Jennifer forever. The fact is we’ve actually only “met” one time on a Zoom call. From the moment I first talked to her I felt like I was talking to the friend I’ve never had. I’ve been feeling my whole life that no-one knows the real me., but in minutes Jennifer has seen the real me for who I am, and it made it possible for me to see myself from a different and more Divine perspective. Hilde A. Oslo
I was in a desperate mindset when I found Jennifer. She has been an enormous help to me. I am now a better person, free from the emotional and anger blocks I had since childhood. Collin S. San Fransisco, CA
To Be Heard Is To Be Loved and To Be Loved Is To Remember
Jennifer Elizabeth Masters listens and she listens. She stops cold when interrupted and gives the floor and ceiling to her client. To be heard is to be loved is to remember to remember is to relinquish to relinquish is to thrive to thrive is to be with God.” J. I. Denver
Everything is Different!
Everything is different. I can’t even begin to tell you how different life is for me now. I have more energy than I know what to do with. There is an absolute abundance of love, joy, and creativity flowing through my life. On the surface, I am just a normal lady about to enter my 50’s living by myself, just renting a flat and teaching in a school. Inside, I now connect with energy and I simply love life ~ I truly do! I am forever indebted to you or enabling the biggest and most scary shift of my life. You help my hand and restored my trust. I love you deeply and hope we can meet one day. Let me know if you plan to visit the UK. I will move mountains to be there! Dominique Connant, UK 

Thanks so much, for the amazing healing last week.

 As soon as you connected with my energy, I felt a huge layer of dark, heavy energy begin to shift and lift.  As we talked, the energy continued to move, shift and lift and I felt a great expansion of my own space and field.  You made clear connections for me between relationships and situations in my life, and my need to clear old patterns–and with your help things started to shift immediately.
One pattern we talked about is enabling others in their victimhood.  Within two hours of our session, I received a call from a person that I have been enabling for years, who was having a major ‘breakdown.’  I knew right away that he had felt my choice to cut the ties, and I was able to handle that conversation completely differently. We cleared huge layers of old patterning within minutes.  That relationship has shifted completely since that moment, and his own life situation has gone through a dramatic reversal.  Amazing!  Thank you so much for that awareness and healing.
The only thing I would have liked is for our time to keep going because I got such benefit from that short bit of time we had. 
Thank you so much for the great work you are doing.
Love and light,
Rev. Carol Bodeau
Minister, Knoxville TN
Maybe you have a pattern of attracting people who are emotionally unavailable, you will find the answers you seek within these workbook and video pages.   I am so excited to be able to help you be unlimited, create in the moment anything and everything you ever wanted effortlessly, like waving your wand in a direction, “I want that!”
Are you tired of attracting emotionally unavailable people or dysfunctional relationships?
Does your money run out before the end of the month?
Are you finding yourself feeling anxious or worried about money?
Do you have issues with your health?
In this 8-week video course complete with 8 pdf workbooks you will discover what’s holding you back so you can shift into a higher vibration to manifest now. Money and love flow to us when we feel loved and prosperous. Jennifer’s high vibration comes through in these videos which propel you forward!
  • Fall in love with you
  • Quickly raise your vibration to attract your desires
  • Get crystal clear on what you want and don’t want so the universe can bring it to you
  • Learn exactly what to say to get what you dream about
  • Raise your vibration to the state of love quickly and effortlessly
  • Recognize and eliminate limiting beliefs and programs that block
Week One: Change your perspective with a soft focus and eliminate self-sabotage. Permission to step into your radiant magnetic self, granted!
Week Two: Let go of the past programs that limit. Releasing past hurts creates a vacuum for blessings of abundance to flow.
Week Three: Discover your repeating patterns in relationships so that something even better has room to show up.
Week Four: Get crystal clear and manifest your soul mate with this proven formula that attracts love fast.
Week Five:  Quieting the mind with spiritual practice connecting to Source energy.
Week Six: Feed your soul so that you feel connected, fulfilled and in alignment. When we are connected to Source we manifest quickly and effortlessly
Week Seven: Learn to release, let go and forgive on your own. Four step-by-step processes to allow you to self-heal
Week Eight: How to put all you have learned together to live in synchronicity, and a state of flow
You’ll learn how to use mantras effectively to quiet the mind so you can hear your inner guidance.
Each package includes the Manifesting A Magical Life package. A powerful course that teaches exactly what to do to manifest and a powerful energy clearing to clear the blocks to abundance and love.
Package A:
VALUE: $1,497.00
Package A Contains:
8 pdfs
8 videos
1 Energy Clearing:
Anxiety, Worry and Fear Clearing
Package B:
VALUE: $2,497
Package B Contains:
8 pdfs
8 videos
4 group calls two weeks apart (with powerful energy clearing session as well as Q & A LIVE) recorded too.
2 energy clearings:
Anxiety, Worry and Fear Audio
Financial Clearing
Package C
VALUE: $2,925
Package C Contains:
8 pdf
8 video
4 group calls two weeks apart via Zoom  (with powerful energy clearing sessions and Q&A LIVE) recorded too
30-minute private session booked through my site
3 energy clearings audios
Anxiety, Worry and Fear Audio
Miracles and Magic Audio
Financial Clearing Audio
Group Calls Via Zoom Conferencing 60 minutes per call
June 2 at Noon EST/ 10:00 AM MTN/ 9:00 AM PST  How To Manifest More Money!
Jun 16 at Noon EST/10:00 AM MTN/9:00 AM PST .  How To Manifest Your Soul Mate
June 30 Noon EST/10:00 AM MTN/9:00 AM PST      How To Clear Karmic Contracts and Family Poverty Consciousness
July 14 Noon EST/10:00 AM MTN/9:00 AM PST .      Trusting Your Inner Authority (Expanding and Opening Intuitive Powers)