Kelly Hampton Special Offer
Immerse Yourself into Kelly’s Goddess and Pilgrim Package and Reconnect with your Divine Feminine with Special Mother’s Day Offering!
The goal is to help you BE LOVE, BE ONE that is what living in our NEW EARTH means. Kelly’s Goddess/Pilgrim Program along with Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM are foundations for DNA reordering, expanding your hearts and finding new ways to connect with Mother Earth!
Package A
A Message from KELLY about her Divine Feminine Program and Ascension Healing Systems:
“Archangel Michael appeared to me in 2010 with instruction to bring 2 new powerful Ascension healing system to earth–one he named it Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM and the other Ascended Spaces and he asked me to spread them to every corner of the globe. Within these Sacred Alchemy programs and systems many healing miracles have occurred — These systems have resulted in thousands of souls and animals– across the globe, receiving healing from all types of emotional and physical conditions by reuniting with their Star Families, the Ascended Masters and Mother Earth. I am extremely excited about presenting my four week Creating with the Divine Feminine Program with of course, wondrous teachings from our mother of all mothers, Mother Earth. I am really looking forward to some great sessions and clearings where these elevated teachers will engage you with tools and techniques to help you experience PURE LOVE and remind you of the Goddess within us all!”– Kelly
The I AM Presence is pulsating within everyone’s Heart Flame. Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how to access this information. Each of these 4 recorded replays will connect you with the energy of the Goddess energies of the Divine Feminine to magnetize blessings and extend more love and joy and peace and calm in your lives! I suggest that you listen to these calls once a week to allow for integration. I suggest week 1: Connecting with Mother Theresa week 2: Connecting with Mother Mary week 3: Connecting with Mary Magdalene week 4: Connecting with Mother Earth
Item 1
Connecting with Mother Teresa
60 min. of direct live channeled guidance and healing from Mother Teresa
60 min.mp3/Retail Value $79.00
Be inspired by the words of Mother Teresa through Kelly and learn about her devotion to the poor and help spread the love of Christ.
“I am aware of suffering souls.
We will work together through the veil to continue to heal all suffering souls.
I am humbled to be called upon for continued service.”–Mother Teresa
Item 2
Connecting with Mother Mary
60 min. of direct live channeled guidance and healing from Mother Mary
60 min.mp3/Retail Value $79.00
Mother Mary, “We will begin with a healing transmission of Golden Ray light, then proceed to speak to the wounded heart. At some point in our time together, I hope we we all connect hands distantly and sing praises for the healing which will be shared.”
Item 3
Healing with Mary Magdalene
60 min.mp3/Retail Value $79.00
Experience Mary Magdalene’s healing processes and vibration through Kelly in this remarkable 60 min. audio from Kelly’s divine feminine series!
Mary Magdalene, “I intend to be a member of a wonderful light community. I know that portals of awakening will occur for some for the first time; others will have them widened. I am here to expose untruths and widen consciousness. We may find our time spent sharing and releasing our sorrows collectively for ultimate healing and surrender. I am humbled.”
- What does anchoring the Cosmic Divine Feminine Energies mean to Magdalene?
- Mary shares her opinion of the most influential women throughout history
- She describes her blue flame sword of healing and how we can each use it as a powerful transformational tool (different than Archangel Michael’s sword)
- What has been covered up in our history that pertains to women?
- Participate in powerful prayers to elevate certain places of the world where Mary sees great suffrage.
- Be lead through a healing process to raise personal feminine power which includes work with Hermes, other Gods and Goddesses and Lady Venus
- Participate in another healing process using doves and laurel wreaths to impart peace for any and all women whose bodies are bound and are who are bound in any manner
- Be inspired!
Water is advised while listening to any mp3’s from Kelly as they are infused with the vibrational frequencies of the ascended master or guides who are sharing the spiritual teachings.
Item 4
Connecting with Mother Earth
60 min. of direct live channeled guidance and healing from Mother Earth
60 min.mp3/Retail Value $79.00
Mary Earth, “I will begin with a ceremony to honor all life. We will explore themes during our time together–some themes:
- whale wisdom
- dolphin wisdom
- eagle wisdom
- hawk wisdom
- the wisdom of plants
- the wisdom of fairies
- the wisdom of elementals and devas
Each of these four master recordings serve significant purpose. You will know that you are not the fragmented and fear-based human ego you have erroneously identified with for aeons of time. You will remember who you really are and you will realize that you have the ability to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE in powerful and life-transforming ways right here and right NOW. Water is advised while listening to these powerful calls.
WARNING: Please do not listen to the recordings while you are driving! Instead be in a relaxed & resting space for when one’s vibration raises, sleep can be an immediate response.
Item 5
from Mother Earth
PDF ($49)
- Be lead through a visualization process by Mother Earth using flower essences
- Energetically work with rock formations and gem essences for healing places Mother Gaia feels is needed during our Great Awakening
- Work with plant essences energetically for the benefit of regions Mother Earths describes as some of “The most misunderstood deserts on my soil.”Item 6
Item 6
Channeling of Gaia
pdf (49)
Goddess of Earth Mother Earth is the soul of our planet. Learn what she says in this powerful channeling about the next one hundred years.
Item 7
(PDF) ($15 Value)
This third book from Archangel Michael is as profoundly important as Kelly’s earlier books from Archangel Michael–Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael and Kelly’s second book: 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael.
Hear from Mother Earth as she shares her wisdom about early Earth and the earliest of animals. Learn 10 top ways to help elevate the animal kingdom, and why some animals are known as indigo, rainbow and crystalline animals. It is written as a parable because it is in many ways, a holy book.
“For the uninitiated the core in my belly is crystalline in nature, there are two significant two crystalline cores that vibrate in tandem that correspond to your magnetic fields of clockwise and counter clockwise with multiple and multiple and multiples of bands extending outside of these two major cores. It’s a bit like looking inside of a tennis ball, if you have ever looked inside of a tennis ball or golf ball perhaps that’s solid all the way through that has an inner weaving. That is very much like the magnetic fields, there are multiple magnetic fields but within my core belly.”–Mother Earth, excerpted from THE BOOK OF ANIMALS
What others have said:
Amazing and enlightening!! I have read and re-read THE BOOK OF ANIMALS and it is the most important information we need to understand all types of animal species whether on land or in the water. Channeled by Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael has given us inspiring information about the animals on our planet from the past, the present, and those yet to come. This beautiful information cannot be found anywhere else. In his loving way, he touches our hearts and shows us how to help all animal species on Earth. The Angel’s information about the mythical creatures that will be re-appearing on the planet brings joy to one’s heart. This book touched my soul on a very deep level.– Patti Ransford
Archangel Michael is at it again and I am so grateful! Through Kelly Hampton he has written another book, The Book of Animals to help the world population understand and heal the animals on the planet! I enjoy the wisdom he shared, including the Harmonic Codes which will be so helpful, and are easy to use! I also appreciate the list of steps he gives to help our companion pets through this ascension energy shift. I could go on and on, there is so much of value and good use in this book! I know all who read it will enjoy and be blessed! –QiaJenae
Wow! A wonderful book on the teaching of not only on how to open and expand our awareness to animals but how we can directly assist them with ease and grace. THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing Wisdom from Archangel Michael by Kelly Hampton, Archangel Michael gently guides us by mixing narrative and prayer to help aid our understanding. After reading his words I am uplifted and filled with excitement for what is to come. A must read for anyone who is seeking a way to heal and expand love to our beloved Earth. –Tracy Redford
Written in the same powerful, poignant prose as Kelly’s last two books, Archangel Michael’s voice (through Kelly) resounds through these pages with clarity and purpose. He gently educates readers about the animal kingdom – past, present, and future – to help us understand, connect with, and heal these profoundly sensitive, loving beings. He continues his teachings on such essential topics as ascension, Mother Earth, underground civilizations, intergalactic ancestors, Atlantis, harmonic codes, and energy healing while revealing many surprising truths about land, air, and marine animals. Finally, we learn the answers to many of our burning questions: what really happened to the dinosaurs? How can we help animals on the brink of extinction? How do animals find their way back home over great distances? And, most importantly, what can we do to help our animal friends during this great time of ascension? These answers and many more, lie within. –Chelsea J.
Item 8 Prepare for Glastonbury with Kelly and further your understanding of working with fairy energies with harmonic codes!
PDF ($49) Pull Back the Veil Between Worlds: Learn the Healing Harmonic Ascension codes (numbers) for Connecting with the Beautiful Fairy Realm! Learn why your help is so needed at this time of planetary Ascension—and how you can assist in the healing and Ascension of all of creation, including that of the fairies and elementals. Finally—the answers to all of your questions about the Fairy Realm! Including:
Open to the Beauty, Healing and Power of the Fairy Realms! |
. . PLUS BONUS #1 $75 coupon
Join Kelly this October as she returns to Glastonbury England. This time as she leads a 6 day Goddess pilgrimage to Avalon. Oct 7-13th 2018 . .
Or you may redeem this offer to attend Kelly’s Goddess retreat to Glastonbury, England in June 2019.
I invite you to join me as I return to this wonderful land and work with Jesus, Mother Mary, Magdalene, Archangel Michael, the Nature Spirits, and the Christed Intergalactics during this pilgrimage to celebrate the Goddess and to work as we are guided. We may be called upon to clear distorted energies at selected sacred sites and along the energy lei lines connecting them. At each site, we will be anchoring into the ley lines through our prayers, ceremony, intentions, the balanced male/female frequencies and the connection to the Divine Mother energies through the physical earth. Learn the teachings of the Goddess and be surrounded by like minded pilgrims on an intimate journey quest where the intent is spreading unconditional love, within ourselves and for our planet. Space is limited. Early bird registration and pricing is open now for additional savings. Please type Glastonbury Retreat in the subject heading of an email and the retreat dates you are interested in possibly attending to to be placed on Kelly’s newsletter to receive more information, to register and redeem this offer. Offers are valid only with package purchase and may not be combined. SPECIAL BONUS #2!
SEPT 7-9TH, MT. SHASTA, CA ARE YOU A LIGHTWORKER/STARSEED HERE TO ELEVATE OUR PLANET? ARE YOU A PILGRIM HOPING TO EXPAND YOURSELF DURING THIS MOST IMPORTANT TIME ON OUR PLANET? DO YOU DESIRE TO BE WITH LIKE MINDED SOULS FOR A LIFE-CHANGING JOURNEY? IF ANY OR ALL OF OF THE ABOVE RESONATES WITH YOU, I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN ME as I return to this sacred portal leading my 4th spiritual retreat. Our group is now forming and early bird registration is open now. Pilgrims come to Mt. Shasta from all over the world — this present-day home of the Lemurians who survived the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. The Lemurians live a highly evolved 5th dimensional existence within the subterranean city of “Telos” underneath Mt.Shasta. Last year we were greeted by Annuki, the King of Lemuria. He guided us through some spectacular energetic exercises to heal ourselves! We were told that the Lemurians were “waiting for our group to arrive,” which was quite an honor! In 2017, Archangel Michael was magnificent as always directing us to work on Solomon’s Ring, repair grids from further damage, explore our inner child and much, much more. One day during our hike, he asked me to give each participant an energy “picnic basket” with energy tools meaningful to each person — each useful as our day developed. TRUE ALCHEMY! I expect nothing less that loving, empowering guidance for ourselves and our planet. This is a pivotal time in our evolution.
What will we construct during our time together?
HURRY! SPACE IS LIMITED. ACCOMMODATIONS IN MT. SHASTA FILL UP QUICKLY. Please respond with Mt. Shasta in an email header more information and to register.
Total Value $539
You Awakening Special Price $99
Package B includes everything in package A, plus: – live time and discount on Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM Practitioner Certification
Item 9 In celebration of Mothers Everywhere!
Dear Beautiful Kelly~ I can’t thank you enough for my Mother’s Day Session with my mom, through you. You
Are such a gift. The words and expressions were Etta, my mom for sure, I was so relieved when you were speaking of what she was telling you. It was too funny, I couldn’t help but in
Joy, and laughter. Your timing of your most generous offer for everyone on such a special
Day to celebrate, Is one that I so needed. I am forever Thankful in Gratitude, it lifted so
Much heaviness that I put on myself. I now Truly Know I can move forward in my Life.
Looking forward to purchasing your book ‘’Into The Light’’ once I get moved over to ,
New Mexico.
Much Love Your Way In All Directions, Thank You Kelly & AA Michael In all you do.
Love Is All There Is,
(a $250 Value)
Near age 20, I instantaneously became a medium when I telepathically heard my dear mother speak to me several years after she left her physical body–It was a life altering event to say the least, to learn firsthand that life is eternal. Since that time many years ago, it has become part of my profession, allowing me to help people from all over the world make these healing connections. Because not all mediums perform their services in the same manner it may be useful to understand how I work. When connected, I will ask you to state the name of who you wish to connect as well as their connection to you. I will begin by calling upon your loved one(s) by name and asking Archangel Michael if they can come through and have left the Sacred Healing Garden. My voice may change slightly during your private mediumship reading or may not. You are encouraged to speak to your loved ones in a normal conversational manner. I will hear their communication telepathically in much the same manner as when connecting with Archangel Michael, the Ascended Masters, or other supreme Sources.
Loved ones/friends on the other side come through to offer support, speak of love and may offer to send signs to you of their continued love and support or confirm signs you have witnessed. They may offer opinions when called upon for this, but do not offer prophecy – unless a soul has been to what Archangel Michael identifies as “The Viewing Room” in the Kingdom of Heaven. Readings are typically conducted via Skype or other international service provider or landline within the USA and will be recorded for you. Once my office is notified of your purchase, someone will be emailing you to schedule your session. Please allow 48 hrs. For your recording to be sent.
Receiving messages from my father was simply the best medicine of all … as of earth he was a steady calm and kind man … and I felt him. The comments he made — the joke book was his as he loved corny jokes … and the upside down umbrella his reference to me collecting pennies from heaven…. as that is one of the manifested physical signs I’ve received for years. –L. Earnest
Kelly, you probably don’t remember about my deceased brother coming through in my reading but he is flickering my bedroom lights as he said he would. When he said, he would be waiting for me…His comments were so amazing. I have never had him come through like that.
My dad had passed on two years prior and first session was in March 2016 and it was wonderful! My dad was so amazed and so grateful for this opportunity that he called it a “True Miracle”. I think in a way he was more surprised than I was! He was so happy and excited to be able to communicate with me in such a way. I always believed in all of it so I was expecting it, but it still was a wonderful miracle and I will always be so grateful for it. Kelly’s voice changed at times and I could hear his way of laughing through her. After that I talked to my dad many more times since that first time. At least once a year I plan to continue this new tradition that we started. I will have my mom and my sister on the session with us from a different country (another phone line) and I translate to them in another language what my dad is communicating through us. Our bond was never broken and through Kelly it just got stronger. Love is eternal.
I always ask him what he’s doing and learning on the other side and it this way we grow spiritually together. What he’s learning over there helps us to grow over here as it helps to open our minds to new possibilities and to learn more about the wonders of the afterlife and it really is a “true miracle”. My dad also wanted me to pass on to all of us that there is no such thing as death (if you still have any doubts) and life does go on. I also translated sessions into other languages for friends and their messages were so healing and so unique too. There was no doubt in their minds that they were communicating directly with their loved ones as well and these sessions were extremely healing.–Rose Cichocki
This is an important confirmation from my dad so I thought I should share!!! This is what he meant when he said during our session that he was off to have some tea with 2 lumps of sugar. It’s a tradition in southern Brazil and also in Argentina. They drink it when you wake up, before lunch and after lunch before you start your working hours. You can drink with or without sugar. They would drink both ways!!!—Rose C.
Great news! I read with you last week and I was the one where my dad took up most of my time in my reading. Well one of the things that he said he would send came. A RED STRING! and heat. Of course I was the one that got the heat. (smile). The lights went out in a power storm and I went to my sister’s. While i was there I became hot for a short period of time, not knowing that this was it. A few moments after I happened to look down at my feet, there was the string! I asked my sister what was it and she said it was a string, from her dress that was irritating her the other day, so she cut it but never threw it awayI GASP! –Katherine Dolorno
THANK YOU so much for my session. I am so in awe of you for the easy facilitation in speaking to my father. I had barely given you his name and pow, he was there! It was great to hear the lightheartedness in him. a playfulness I had not noticed in him before. It is hard to put into words what a difference it has made. Various memories cropped up and I could feel Dad’s presence while I had the image of him as a young man venturing around the world as this explorer he has come to be. I felt his ambition and understand the frustrations he had as a young man and have a much better understanding of him now.. I feel much lighter inside and am looking at life differently and finding a deep joy and realize that I need to have more fun in my life.—M. Robinson. New Zealand
I want to thank you again for facilitating my contact with Peggy yesterday. I put the two bits of phrases she gave me together into: “Silver Threads on a Blue Moon”. I think that is the album title of the next album she was talking about. The Bells of Paradise are a reference to Woodstock chimes I bought and hung on her office lanai. That’s one of her ways of letting me know she’s here and why she wanted me to open the windows (she mentioned during our reading,) which I had closed when we had a long spell of strong winds.—Bette P. Hawaii
I just walked out on my patio and saw this huge, brightly colored rainbow and it dulled a bit when I returned after walking inside to get my I Pad to photograph it. It is drizzling, but it clearly seems a visit from my Uncle Bob in yesterday’s mediumship conversation. laughed out loud as soon as I saw it. I will send you the right half of it in next email. In the right side photo, it is touching the ground. I wonder if there is a pot of gold there. I knew you brought in my Uncle Bob as he was a graphic designer/photographer in life and you mentioned graphic design in our conversation with him. Early in his graphic design career in Chicago he brought back the concept of medieval banners attached to light poles on Michigan Avenue to advertise the big sites, first had the 2 bronze lions from the front of the Art Institute. As I reflected on his influence in my life and my brother’s after our chat, his impact on me was huger than I realized. Thank you for being the connecting link!!! So beautiful to feel his ever loving energy again! I will send the right half photo of this rainbow in next email Much love and gratitude.–– Mary Burgess, Guatemala
Item 10 INTO THE WHITE LIGHT: The Revelations of Archangel Michael
(a priceless value) To further support your understanding of what happens in the Kingdom of Heaven (and more) you will also receive Archangel Michael’s first book sent as aa pdf.
Kelly would love to extend Bonus #3 $200 discount
Archangel Michael: “A healing system such as Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ is so important in many ways to help every man, woman, child, and animal because it originates from Source and helps with various forms of protection through its’ divine structure. It works to return human and animal bodies into crystalline light bodies while restructuring 3rd D DNA into its original 5th D pure love form and has done so since 2010.
This magnified Ascension healing system for those of you yet to know of it, are the strongest blue ray healing frequencies at this time on your planet. This is shared with loving grace from my Mother/Father God. This is not my wisdom. In other words, it is the wisdom from divine almighty Creator. I advise the consideration of it by all those doing light work, and for all living beings of all matter, all generations up to age 90. Removing implants and codes that were placed to limit your life experiences and other forms of layers of untruths are energetically transmuted in these sessions and returned to Source. It is not simply because I shared this wisdom with Kelly Hampton that I advise this particular healing system. It is because as a form of protection, we also open the magnified heart center and share the divine wisdom of extending love and kindness on a daily basis as a form of protection from dark forces. Energetic fears are removed that remain in the etheric bodies. The strands of DNA including the placement of judgment codes, which were placed to keep your planet under control, are restored to their 5th D pure love form. In addition, by extending love and kindness to yourselves first and foremost you will have added another layer of protection and healing.”
“Perfect for health practitioners and energy healers who would like to expand their existing practice in the comfort of their own home on their own schedule and for those who are unable to attend one of my live intensive workshops. If you have energy healing experience, I invite you to enroll and take advantage of your FREE remote attunement to the Pleiadian frequencies (an additional $169 gift) as my thank you for deciding to join the growing global list of certified Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioners TM who reside in 6 countries.”–Kelly Hampton “Since 2010 when this Revolutionary healing system was first shared with me by Archangel Michael, I have been training practitioners. Now my training course is available online to experienced healers.~ This Pleiadian healing system is capable of producing miracles. Help others travel to their soul homes and have their star families heal them through light language. Remove past lives soul pieces that fall outside of love, remove Reptilian imprinting and other attachments.
Here is a PARTIAL list of some of the health conditions clients have reported relief or elimination with after receiving Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM:
In addition, many are traveling to their original 5th D. homes experiencing bliss, going through stargates, receiving key code activations, having implants removed, including grays and dark entities.
Read what other certified practitioners are saying about Kelly’s Intensive Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM course:
“More powerful than The Reconnection. THIS IS GOD ENERGY.”—Linda Pullano, Certified Star Healing Practitioner, Rhode Island, USA
“As my training to become a certified Star Healing practitioner approaches its end, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for this wonderful program. Never has a teacher been so available and almost all the time ready for me, for my needs and my questions. Instead of travelling and paying expensive Hotels, I enjoyed the best, most customized training ever, but online.I would like to let every aspirant know, what a skillful and engaged teacher you are. You taught not only the techniques, but you conveyed in an authentic and inspiring way, your love and appreciation for this new, special healing method and its creator, Archangel Michael. I truly wish that many people sense the profound uniqueness of this opportunity to accessing and learning the Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Method, especially in this easy online way. Again, thank you, Kelly.” – Ellen Simon, Certified Practitioner
“When holding the star I closed my eyes and could visualise a blue, pink purple hologram multidimensional star with me in the middle as a pure white being. It was like the most fantastic piece of sacred geometry and I felt an immense energy. I do not feel in any way shape or form alone whilst giving this healing. There are light beings present. I would like to thank Kelly, AAMichael and the Pleiadian galaxy for the gift of becoming a certified practitioner. I feel proud to be part of the group of lightworkers who are doing this work. My heart is open, my world is beautiful and I have found peace x”—Sarah, UK Star Healing Practitioner
“I have taken different healing classes, but nothing compares to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy. I had a session and knew that I needed that energy around me all the time. Just over a month later I took the classes. Kelly is the most amazing teacher, and the class & the energy just flow. She wants you to learn every aspect of Star Healing, and there is no reason that you cannot walk out of that class and running! To access this energy and pass it on to others is the most amazing gift anyone can give themselves. You will not be sorry if you take this wonderful opportunity. Thank you Kelly.” –JoAnn Seckus, Certified Star Healing Practitioner
“Please continue to teach me and my family about the love, strength and spiritual wisdom that we deserve. I am very proud to be a Lightworker under your counsel.”—Velma C. Certified Star Healing Practitioner
“After seeing you shapeshift into Archangel Michael, Christ, then Ashtar, the Galactic Commander, I don’t know who you are, what planet you are from, but I am soo glad you are here! I am proud to be a Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Practitioner!—Poco Taylor, Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM Practitioner
“I have studied and experienced many healing modalities before Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™. I was interested in trying something new and I felt guided to learn a different method of energy healing. Thank you Kelly for providing me with the opportunity to become a certified practitioner!” — Naseem Hajizadeh, Certified Star Healing Practitioner
“I was guided to Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ after I had experienced other healing modalities. I noticed the most improvement in healing from this system and became very interested in becoming a certified practitioner. I am finding much joy and excitement in offering this system to others”.—Ella Doane, Certified Star Healing Practitioner
Enrolling online students will also receive Archangel Michael’s Other Ascension System Given to Kelly–Ascended SpacesTM for creating abundance–absolutely FREE! Additional $24.00 Value
Upon course enrollment you will be given access to another Ascension system from Archangel Michael. Help your future clients lead more abundant filled lives by learning this easy, and powerful Ascension system for the home. I do have two great things to report. First, I got a raise! I can’t help but attribute it to the Prosperity candles. And I’ve been able to focus and concentrate so much better at work and get more accomplished. And then Jax’s teacher at preschool told me Friday that although he has always been a happy child, she saw a difference in him last week, he’s even happier! The joy harmonics are working for us. Our house does feel really good now. I appreciate everything you have done for me. I know it works…”–Shannon Trevatha It works wonderfully. We used it to sell a home! Was on the market for 7 months before I could get my beloved to use the program, when he finally did, we started getting offers and it sold that week! Closing was in a week! Woohoo! Kelly, you ROCK! As does Archangel Michael, of course!– QiaJenae Hamilton After you visited my space my phone started ringing off the hook with bookings. I was almost thinking I would have to close the center. Thank you so much!–Christine Recar, owner Breath of Life Wellness Center My house feels lighter. Now when my spouse and I have a disagreement, we seem to come to a compromise quickly. My cats and dogs also seem to be more interactive with each other and myself.–Diane, Mallett, USA I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical of the whole thing when I first heard about it, but now I am a firm believer!!! I most definitely am feeling a lighter atmosphere in my home since Barbara did the space attunement for me. Frankly, the last two mornings, I just woke up feeling happy, even though they were week days and I still had to go to work!!! I am looking forward to the continuing blossoming over the next two weeks!!!– Paula, USA I experienced a calm, peaceful, joyous feeling after the attunement. I didn’t want to leave the office! I highly recommend this service!! Outstanding! Love it!—Donna Mills, Owner Wellvox 360, Naperville, Il Your work inspired us to re-think the way we use the space in the house and to come up with a solution for the main access which has been something we’ve been aware of for many years. People are enjoying the changes we have made in the downstairs room and it feels much better now that we have re-decorated and decluttered it. The energy in the house feels good. Much love.–Anne, Oxford My space feels 10 times better than before. I am not afraid of my own closet anymore. It is also so nice to see my son this happy and unafraid. Before, getting him to sleep was always difficult but last night (after the attunement/clearing), he just rolled over and fell asleep. He also normally flips out in the dark and today, for the first time, I saw him in the darkness and he is so much calmer.—Nancy, B. We rented our apartment much sooner I believe, as a result of having you come to our home. Thank you—Barbara K, St. Louis, MO |
Package B
TOTAL Value of A and B $1,198
ORDER PACKAGE B, which includes both package A and B.
You Awakening Special Offer $147
*Due to the live nature of this package, there are no refunds after any live time is conducted.