Best of all! All these mind shifts, coincidences and opportunities get more and more” profound”as you continue working on your Abundance Blocks- until eventually in just a short period of time from now, you can enjoy the kind of abundance and wealth you once thought impossible.
How to permanently remove your Abundance Blocks…
If you’re not earning what you should be, you need to permanently remove your Abundance Blocks Fast!!!
Your existing energetic frequency and subconscious thought patterns will always pull you back to them.
The key to liberating yourself from them is to go to the source- the part of your personal energetic field known as your Abundance Frequency.
Dawn Crystal uses her unique gifts from “Source” for tapping into people’s energy fields. She has created techniques for accessing your Abundance Frequency and systematically removing all blockages that are holding it down.
It’s a liberating, exhilarating and life changing process that you will experience when you start this program!
The complete collection of audio recordings that have changed lives and created a community of “Raving Fans”!!! In each session you’ll experience a powerful and immersive process that taps into your energetic frequency, access your sub-conscious mind and liberates you from a specific Abundance Block.
It is as simple as putting on your Head-phones and seeing the positive changes start happening Right-Away!!! ?

Read what some of the purchasers of this program had to say:
I just got Dawn’s MP3s on Abundance… and, I am seeing results… that is, more money coming in and less stress….. during her 10 minute recordings time seems to stop..and, when they are done…. I feel like it has been 1/2 hour and I feel so different about money…. better different…… Thanks Dawn… you be rocking and rolling…..
– Jay
I purchased Dawn’s Abundance package four days ago. I have listened to the first few of the 17 MP3s….
…and, I have never felt so very happy about money.
It is strange to have this swift of a transformation….. Money has been an “issue” for myself and my family for decades.
Now, to think about money and feel happy… to feel of course all the money I want is there for me to have is really strange… a good strange. I can only imagine where my money reality will be in a few weeks when I finish the rest of the course.
Thank you Dawn… you rock… and, blessing of over flowing money showers for you.
– J Wilder
Session (1) Clearing Resistance.
- Clear past , present, future time-lines
- Clear all known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Jump- start your journey into Abundance. Connect to “All that is” the Creator (Source) to allow your energy to flow into Abundance in all areas of your Life!

Session (2) Clearing Doubt & Fear
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear all known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Step into the “Driver’s Seat” to take full control in manifesting your Abundance!

Session (3) Clearing Fear of Change
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear all known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Eliminate “All” Clutter from your system.

Session (4) Clearing fear of Growth
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear all known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Begin “Sowing” the Seeds to grow your Abundance!

Session (5) Clearing Fear of Success
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Become a “Landscape Gardener” for your own Abundance and identify how you want your Garden to evolve and flourish in a Joyful way!

Session (6) Clearing feeling stuck
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Keep the Energy of change flowing forward around manifesting Abundance!

Session (7) Getting clear on your future
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Clear everything that is stopping yourself before you get started. Tune in with who you really are!

Session (8) Clearing Clutter
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Get clear on what you really want. Clear all binds that clutter your finances in your Life!

Session (9) Clearing Family Blocks
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Ready for the “Big Leap”! Make a stronger connection to your happiest future reality to dreaming Big!

Session (10) Discover the Ultimate You
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Allow the “Perfect You” to shine through. You too have the “Perfect You” inside yourself to Shine!

Session (11) Generate your Future Self
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Establish yourself as an Infinite being with Infinite potential ahead! So you can move forward confidently & powerfully & Connect stronger into the light to see your “Future Self”!
Session (12) Turning Blocks into Profits
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Open up to more opportunities and manifest your “Inner Millionaire”!

Session (13) Clearing Self Sabotage
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Destroy all doubts so you can take empowered action & Align to your “Souls Birth-right” of unlimited Wealth!

Session (14) Clearing lack of Self-Worth
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Create powerful money channels and fill your body with “Light & Love” to Receive!

Session. (15) Clearing your Financial mess
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Clear negative energy loops and access the perfect balancing point between “Giving & Taking” to open a “Fire-hose” of Abundance!

Session (16) Clearing the Fear of Scarcity
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Smash away “Fear of Scarcity” to regain the flow for “Giving & Receiving” energy of generosity and how to fill yourself up with light and open to Life’s Treasures!

Session (17) Clearing the Blocks to Welcoming and Receiving Abundance
- Clear past, present, future timelines
- Clear known or un-known blockages
- Clear all belief systems
- Cultivate the talents inside that let you get paid for being you! Dig-deep inside yourself, un-earth hidden talents and finally realize the purpose of money in your Life!

Free Bonus: A $20 Value!!!
Discover Sound Healing CD

Retail Value: $500
You Awakening Special Price $187
One “30 minute” Package B per person Session !
Abundance Blocks Integration Session
One 30 minute session is allowed per customer as a one-time new customer trial session. you Cannot combine more than one program special offer.
- Dive deeper into clearing your Abundance Blocks!!!
- Clear deep inherited belief systems of Lack Consciousness including past lives.
- Heart Chakra Activation to open you up to Receive more Abundance & Love!
- Clear deeper levels of your Un-Consious Mind that are blocking you from Receiving beyond your needs.
- Ground in your Life-Force energy stronger in your body to attract Abundance Faster!!!
- Set a “New” Money Thermostat to Attract Great Wealth!
- Answer any questions on your Next Steps to take to attract Great Wealth Fast!
- Answer any of your questions about any topic…
Retail Value: $800
You Awakening Special Price $247