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Maria’s Special OFFER

Create a Life of Happiness, Joy and Abundance!


Harness the Power of your I AM Presence, Embody Your Goddess Attributes, and live life by Design!

Choice is one of our Super Powers.  Happiness and joy are a choice, Abundance is a beingness in which we have choice.  Living a life filled with Happiness, Joy and Abundance is our Divine Right.

Clear the blocks, see past the illusion, and transmute all other interferences and barriers to True Happiness. Recognize and accept your truth,  honor the light and beauty within you, forgive and accept yourselves, reclaim your power, and  become a Powerful,  Sovereign Being of light. You are a living master,  designing,  authoring, directing and creating your most wonderful life!

Choose to have it all,  and live as a Modern Day Goddess.

Align with your I AM Presence and embodying your Goddess Magic.


Package A

Group Calls and Activation

Recognize the Goddess within, Embrace Your Magnificence, Let Your Brilliance Shine




One 45 minute 1 on 1 Session


Live Group Calls

  1. Embrace Your I AM Presence
    Love, Forgive and Self-Accept
    Date & Time: Thursday, August 30th at 1:00 PM Pacific
  2. Beautiful You- See and love the Beauty within you and all around you
    Practice kindness, Compassion and Unconditional Love for all beings releasing judgement
    Date & Time: Friday, August 31st at 1:00 PM Pacific
  3. Ignite your Passion, authenticity and Zest for life
    Being on Purpose, loving what you do and loving what you do
    Date & Time: Monday, September 3rd at 1:00 PM Pacific
  4. Choose Joy, Happiness, peace and gratitude
    Surrender to the guidance of Your HS, your Angels, and Divine Creator- trusting yourself and Intuition.
    Date & Time: Thursday, September 6th at 1:00 PM Pacific


  1. Let go of the victim and the martyr – Create your life from a place of empowerment
  2. Connect with your Goddess Magic-Ignite Your Passion
  3. Karma Clearing & Release cords & Attachment from Others Holding you Back
  4. Heal Your Inner Child
  5. Happiness  is a choice, Choose it now-mp3
  6. Facebook group


Package A

Package Value: $1295

You Awakening Special Price $197


Package B



Package of 3 x 45 Minute Sessions Value $570  Price:$360

These sessions can be schedule at any time.  After the first session we can schedule the following sessions. These calls can be recorded at your request.  Sessions are held via phone, skype, conference line or whatsapp.

Improve and uplevel every area of your life.

  1. Health- what imbalance or symptoms are showing up in your body?  What is your body trying to tell you?
  2. Love- Are you struggling with your significant relationship?  Are you ready for love?  Your current relationship can use more love?
  3. Money- Struggling with money and finances or you decided you have greater value and desire to manifest more wealth, abundance and prosperity in your life.
  4. Career- Are you filling unfulfilled?  Not advancing in your career or are you ready to up-level your career, your contribution to the world?
  5. Purpose- Are you struggling to live your purpose, with confidence, joy and abundance? You know that you are meant for more and don’t know what that is or how to bring it forth?
  6. Relationships- Your current relationships could use an upgrade to unconditional love, compassion, kindness, empowerment, joy and happiness.
  7. Spiritual Connection- You are on a spiritual journey and feel you are still not quite connected with your Soul’s mission, your path, the greatest version of you, aligned with your Higher Self.
  8. Anything Else? What else is important to you?


  1. Let go of the victim and the martyr – Create your life from a place of empowerment
  2. Connect with your Goddess Magic-Ignite Your Passion
  3. Karma Clearing & Release cords & Attachment from Others Holding you Back
  4. Heal Your Inner Child
  5. Happiness  is a choice, Choose it now-mp3
  6. Facebook group


Package B

Package Value: $1595

You Awakening Special Price $255



Package C


60 minute 1 on 1 Session


Live Group Calls

  1. Embrace Your I AM Presence. Love, Forgive and Self-Accept
    Date & Time: Thursday, August 30th at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  2. Beautiful You- See and love the Beauty within you and all around you
    Practice kindness, Compassion and Unconditional Love for all beings releasing judgement.
    Date & Time: Friday, August 31st at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  3. Ignite your Passion, authenticity and Zest for life.
    Being on Purpose, loving what you do and loving what you do.
    Date & Time: Monday, September 3rd at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  4. Choose Joy, Happiness, peace and gratitude.
    Surrender to the guidance of Your HS, your Angels, and Divine Creator- trusting yourself and Intuition
    Date & Time: Thursday, September 6th at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  5. Sacred Sexy- Loving, accepting and embracing your Sexuality, Sensuality and Creative Nature. Love Your body- Your sacred temple
    Date & Time: Wednesday, September 12th at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  6. Living in  Abundance and Prosperity Flow. Raising the vibration of everyone around you, bringing out the good in everyone, bringing your environment into harmony
    Date & Time: Thursday, September 13th at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  7. You are congruent with who you are.  Who you are behind the doors is the same person that shines to the world. Authentically You!
    Date & Time: Wednesday, September 19th at 1:00 PM Pacific.
  8. You are one with the universe, creating your Heaven on Earth.
    Date & Time: Thursday, September 20th at 1:00 PM Pacific


  1. Let go of the victim and the martyr – Create your life from a place of empowerment
  2. Connect with your Goddess Magic-Ignite Your Passion
  3. Karma Clearing & Release cords & Attachment from Others Holding you Back
  4. Heal Your Inner Child
  5. Love Your Temple
  6. Beautiful You
  7. Happiness  is a choice, Choose it now
  8. You are Whole and Complete
  9. Heal the Victim and Become the Creator
  10. Facebook group


Package C

Retail Value: $1895

You Awakening Special Price $297



Maria, thank you for an absolute magical experience! I’ve enrolled in “Unleash the Goddess Within” and “Unleash your Super Powers” and just have to say they have made a positive and powerful impact in my life and inner spirit!  Self love, self worthiness, self awareness, self healing, self empowerment are some of my learned blessings. I loved how we released Karmic cycles of self- sabotage and un-deservingness and love that we all have super powers.   It’s definitely a loving journey, one that is allowing me to live my life with purpose and abundance!

– Claudia, Marketing Director

Working with Maria has been truly amazing. I’ve gained insights into situations that i have been aware of for years, but was not able to understand or transform before this. It has been fun in the class situation to see the precise observations that Maria offers individuals so that they are able to become revitalized and reclaim their lives
– Latifa, Homeopathic Practitioner


It has been a life-changing experience working with Maria. With the latest course I have been able to obtain a clearer picture of the energetic matrix of the body with all its different levels. 
At the same time I have been able to clear a lot of my blocks and limiting beliefs, that have prevented me from developing my intuition and progressing to the next level. 
Maria is a great teacher, and teaches clearly and openly. I have come out of the course with greater clarity and humility about human potential. Thank you Maria!
-Bernard, Partner Arocrest Capital Management

I feel very grateful for Maria Martinez. Maria’s coaching and multi-dimensional healing gifts are one of the best experiences in my life (having my three beautiful daughters is number one!) I am more connected to GOD,Source ,Universe and LOVE than I have ever been. Her caring and loving nature made me feel safe and supported during the process of peeling the layers away and clearing what was not in my highest good. Our work together lifts me up to a higher vibration and brings me joy. The conferences I have attended are life changing in the way that I come to know and love myself deeply. My family life has improved greatly with her coaching and support. I am always happy when people ask me what is different about me and how can they experience that as well. I gladly refer friends and family to Maria because she is a trustworthy and kind as well as motivational and supportive.
-Danielle, Business Owner

I was part of seminar Unleash Your Super Powers. By far it was the best experience I’ve ever had. I was able to find out who I am what is my purpose and how I could carry out my purpose my journey. I was able to let go of a lot of doubt and fear that I had within me yet I discovered how powerful I am. Maria was there every step of the way to help me release and let go of anything that was still blocking me from believing in myself and living the experience of knowing of who I am. And discovering everything I can do and what I’m capable of doing. I highly recommend you to attend this seminar and live the experience that you will
not regret.
-Carolina, Manager

..Thanks, Maria.  It was truly a meaningful training in which I walked away with so much unfolding change.  In fact, today I had two syncs.
First is the my ACIM lesson for the day:  I am the light of the world.
Second, i started to think a particular old client who ran after me last week as I was running late for a class.  I let him know that I couldn’t talk at that moment. as i had not seen this client in years, i had hoped he would still be around after the class.  he was not.  So as I was thinking about this situation, I look up and he is walking toward me on his way to work.  that whole situation took just a few seconds.  we were able to catch up.  this was clearly instant manifestation in which i was picking up on his approaching presence.
this is just fun!
-Melissa, Therapist

Maria is an AMAZING mentor and teacher in my life, and emanates unconditional love and compassion in guiding people forward on their life’s journey.  She has been a critical part of my healing team as I continue to step forward on my healing path from an auto-immune disorder that almost took my life a little over a year ago.  I am very grateful to Maria for providing me a new perspective on life, and helping me to heal through all aspects of myself; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  By guiding me to connect and work with my higher self, I have been able to overcome old fears, patterns and belief systems. She has assisted me in dissipating unconscious blocks that have kept me from accessing my true potential to health, wealth, abundance, and so much more. THANK YOU Maria for being such an earth angel and making a difference in my life!

With Much Gratitude, Love & Light,

-Diane , Light Healer   

I can’t wait a whole week to share this with you….

So after we got off the phone yesterday  I was able to focuse a lot more than I have been able to and managed to get a lot done. Feeling like my old self agian. Thank you so much! But wait…it gets better.
After 2 1/2 years of being with this company never have I gotten a personal email from my boss’s boss appreciating my work. I just find it amazing that I get this email not even 24hours after speaking with you about my work. 
You are truly  AMAZINGING! Thank you! Looking forward to our next chat.

-Sadie, software trainer