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Package A

One Month Remote Energy Transfer Experience & Living Your Planetary Purpose Video Class


Item 1 – One Month Remote Energy Transfer Experience

Experience Ethann’s Remote Energy Transfer Program for one month to remove negative karma and raise your consciousness. This includes 12 remote energy transfers within a one month timeframe, allowing you to live happier, healthier and access new information needed by your soul to express your unique gifts in the world.

Many light workers have been unable to tap into their gifts and discover their purpose due to a lower vibration and consciousness that is impacting life on Earth. The One Month Remote Energy Transfer Program is facilitated by a collective consciousness that is working through Ethann for the purpose of removing this lower vibration from your energy field.

The collective consciousness Ethann works with has explained through channeled guidance that those receiving this program will tap into Source Energy, enabling them to clear karma, past programming and dense energies accumulated through environmental factors that are holding them back from their highest potential.

Through repeated energy transfers, Ethann facilitates an awakening of one’s true talents and life path. Those who are in his accelerated monthly program are able to discover their true purpose, as well as unlock the gifts that have remained dormant or suppressed by lower frequencies of energy upon the planet. Ultimately this is the primary purpose and outcome of the long term practice of energy transfer sessions with Ethann…to gradually unlock your unique gifts and life’s purpose as well as the passion to fearlessly pursue it.

Those who work with Ethann regularly, start to come into their abilities often within the first month of multiple sessions. Over time, these gifts grow, until they find a natural place in service to the world using these natural born abilities.

The negative energy present in Karma that an individual carries from lifetime to lifetime is also a significant factor in our evolution. This karma will naturally work off through life experience as more is added to it. This is a slow process that will require lifetimes to process until a soul can express itself fully in a physical incarnation unencumbered by the dense heavy karmic energy. Ethann is able to remove large amounts of karmic energy carried from lifetime to lifetime, accelerating the growth of the soul many lifetimes in only minutes.

In addition to the removal of karma, regular Energy Transfers will raise the consciousness of an individual to a degree that is not possible through ordinary life experience and other spiritual practices. This is an accelerated path for the growth of consciousness that has been given to individuals who have a desire to grow more rapidly in this time of great change and evolution, minimizing suffering and allowing for a deeper understanding of one’s life path.

Ethann’s Energy Transfer Program is also beneficial for light workers who are hypersensitive to energies from people and their environments, requiring them to self-protect during healing sessions and everyday life. Each Energy Transfer has been demonstrated to increase the size of one’s aura three to four times, with a cumulative effect over time. This ultimately results in a permanent energetic barrier between them and their environment, eliminating the requirement to self-protect. Another advantage of this process is the ability to be comfortable around people who ordinarily cause stress or discomfort. Many have reported they are able to cope with turbulent relationships that were the source of a great deal of suffering prior to an Energy Transfer.

Energy Transfer will cause a permanent change within your DNA, essentially tuning your body and awareness to new information in the field around you. Think of your DNA as a tuner on a radio. Every Energy Transfer slightly adjusts the frequency of the information that your DNA is receiving resulting in an awakening of mind to a new way of seeing the same world. This is because the individual is now able to tune into a new dimension of information within the same field of consciousness around them. This may come by way of intuition, or interest in some new area, or sudden ability to pursue things in one’s life that were previously hidden or blocked.

As the frequency that the body is tuning in to changes, a broad array of physical and spiritual impacts are experienced. Some individuals encounter sudden breakthroughs in health, immense energy, greater inner peace and joyfulness. Ultimately the Energy Transfer will raise consciousness, remove karma, and as a result, lead the individual down a path of greater joy and harmony no matter what is going on in the world around them.

You will:

  • Clear karma, past programming and dense energies
  • Restore your true nature
  • Increase your level of happiness
  • Tune into a frequency of improved health
  • Gain energy, greater inner peace and joyfulness
  • Balance and harmonize to Earth Energies
  • Access and remember your Soul’s Purpose
  • Feel protected and at peace with your empathic or sensitive nature
  • Unlock spiritual gifts that have remained dormant
  • Change your DNA, tuning your body and awareness to new dimensional information
  • Accelerate the growth of the soul
  • Increase the size of your aura three to four times, with a cumulative effect over time


Item 2: Living Your Planetary Purpose Video Class

In order to have true and lasting change that creates a fulfilling life, we must consider all aspects of our experience including the body, the mind, the spirit, and the material dimensions. Now more than ever, Lightworkers on the planet are being called to bridge the gap between the 3rd and the 5th Dimensional energies. Transitioning during this turbulent time can be challenging, as you uncover your soul’s plan to work in harmony with new, collectively-based energies of the planet.

Ethann Fox has developed a unique formula to help Lightworkers reveal their mission and bring their gifts into the world to fulfill their true purpose.  Those who are a part of his Advanced Lightworker Program, take a personal journey examining all aspects of the self and using them in concert to achieve happiness, fulfillment and the abundance to thrive in the 5th Dimension. In this two hour introduction to this program, you will get an overview of how to begin tapping into the parts of yourself that not only reveal your soul’s purpose, but also coincide with unique planetary energies and alignments that will assist you in expressing your gifts in the material world.

In this exclusive 2-hour class, Ethann reveals his toolbox of scientific research, astrology, numerology, psychological studies, spirituality and consciousness and how they can be used in concert to fulfill your soul’s purpose. You will learn how your numerology and astrology cycles are a roadmap to success and how they can be used to identify your personal strengths and weaknesses and discover your best areas of focus. Ethann will also help you understand the importance of close relationships and how they are intimately connected to your personal success, health, and inner peace. Ethann’s background in the business and financial worlds gives him the ability to help Lightworkers create a vision and launch their creative gifts as a concrete product or service area that can cross both the alternative and mainstream worlds. You will gain his perspective and advice on how to design and market your spiritual products and services to transition them into the changing global economy of the New Age.

This video class has never been offered to the public and will give you a glimpse into how Ethann has helped many Lightworkers on the planet access their soul’s truest expression and manifest it into a concrete service in the material world. As you begin this journey with Ethann, expect complete transformation in all areas, allowing you to reach your highest potential, falling in line with your soul’s plan and creating a new life filled with abundance in all areas.

Item 3: Live 2-Hour Webcast with Q&A

Interact directly with Ethann in a Live Webcast on July 16th, 2018. This webcast is offered exclusively for the You Awakening listening audience. In this intimate setting, you will be able to ask questions and receive guidance from Ethann on Living Your Planetary Purpose and how to tap into your soul’s unique gifts, expressing them in the material world. You are encouraged to share the unique experiences you have had during the Monthly Remote Energy Transfer Program and receive direct feedback from Ethann. And, as a bonus gift, Ethann will also offer a Remote Energy Transfer live on the call! This is a rare opportunity to connect with Ethann and gain wisdom directly related to your journey. The live Webcast is limited in size, giving everyone an opportunity to ask and receive answers to their most pertinent questions.


Package A

One Month Remote Energy Transfer Experience & Living Your Planetary Purpose Video Class

Total Value Over $240

You Awakening Special Price: $127


everything in package A PLUS:

1-on-1 30 Minute Private Session

A private Energy Transfer session with Ethann is a very unique and powerful experience in which you accelerate karmic release and expansion of your consciousness. In these sessions, Ethann is able to focus his attention directly on your energy body and the areas in which you are blocked or holding resistance and lower vibrational density.

During these sessions, Ethann works with a combination of planetary, numerological and astrological information in concert to address your current life challenges, direct your path and clear and open your energy field to higher frequencies and new dimensional information.

Participants often experience intense joy or states of bliss during these intimate sessions and walk away with renewed energy and a sense of peace. In conducting these one-on-one sessions, Ethann has experienced a variety of astounding results ranging anywhere from profound healings and awakenings to the emergence of spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance and channeling.

His diverse background in energy healing, astrology, numerology, psychology and business, makes him a very effective and unconventional spiritual teacher for the New Age, able to offer new perspectives that balance the physical, spiritual and material worlds. With this approach, Ethann assists many Light Workers on the planet to bring their spiritual gifts into the 5th Dimension. You are sure to get a taste of this in his 30 minute session!


Package B

One Month Remote Energy Transfer Experience & Living Your Planetary Purpose Video Class
 1-on-1 30 Minute Private Session With Ethann

Total Value Over $540

You Awakening Special Price: $197



“I received my first energy transfer with Ethann over three years ago at one of his local events in Michigan. I am extremely sensitive to energy and felt a shift in my physical body almost immediately. There was a very strong loving energy coming from his heart to mine. But at the same time, I felt myself releasing bottled up negative feelings that had been holding me back for years.  Tears flooded my eyes as I experienced both the sorrow of the karmic energy release and the joy of the loving energy replace it within my heart. I was overwhelmed by the experience, but even more amazed by the peaceful feeling that came over me afterwards and through the duration of that week. I found that many of the things that used to upset me were still present in my life, but I had risen above them and able to live with ease in the present moment, without anger, worry or fear. Since that time, I have returned for numerous energy transfers with Ethann, both in person and remotely. The remote sessions are just as powerful as the one’s I have experienced in person. I am able to feel them just as deeply even when I forget my remote appointment and am reminded upon sensing a wave of energy that stops me in my tracks. I am now facing many adverse situations and people in my life with a newfound calm and patience. I experience more joy on a daily basis. Even my friends and family have commented that they notice a positive change in me. I attribute this to regular energy transfers with Ethann. I was so pleased with the results I have seen that I decided to sign my two teenage daughters up for Ethann’s 12-time per month program. The results I observed with them after only a few weeks were astounding. Through my work with Ethann, I awakened to my gifts as an intuitive channel, accessing the true path of my soul and my purpose in life. I have continued to utilize his energy, astrology, numerology and business services to launch my channeling work into the world. This work has allowed me so much joy, success and fulfillment. I am truly grateful that Ethann has shared his energetic gifts with my family.” – Micheila Sheldan, Intuitive Channel

I’ve had the opportunity of participating in Ethann’s weekly energy transfer sessions for almost 2 years and have had phenomenal results. Within 3 months of my first transfer, I began unlocking my clairvoyant, psychic, and healing abilities, which have been expanding ever since. I always feel karmic energetic knots within my body release as soon as the session begins. Afterwards, my mood is elevated for days and I am able to handle stressful situations easily. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and use crutches to walk. I have noticed I have had much better posture and balance since starting the transfers. Often times, I find myself being able to grasp spiritual concepts that I had trouble previously understanding. Regular sessions have raised my consciousness significantly, and allowed me to gain a new perspective surrounding situations in my life that need healing. Through the energy transfer process, I have been able to delve deep within myself and heal deep emotional wounds I didn’t even know I had. I am extremely fortunate to have been a part of the transfer program since the very beginning, and it has been a blessing to have known Ethann. I consider him part of my family and he has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally in more ways than I can count. Ethann’s one-on-one sessions with me have been an amazing transformational catalyst that have allowed me to expand my knowledge of spirituality and consciousness, and step into my gifts and role as a healer. I am blown away by Ethann’s extensive experience in astrology, numerology, marketing, and psychology as well as a variety of other areas. With this knowledge, he skillfully crafted a plan to launch me into the world as a healer that was perfectly suited to my unique gifts and talents. Ethann worked with me step by step to create a foundation for my business by sharing his experience with marketing, branding, and website design, and combining it with spirituality. He perfectly positioned me in the healing field so that the unique aspects of my gifts were seamlessly interwoven into the design of my site. I have had countless astrology and numerology readings with him that have all been spot on. The information he provided was always very down to earth, detailed, and thorough. Ethann was able to pinpoint emotional influences in my chart, as well as exactly how my healing would expand at a particular point in my astrological and numerological cycles. -Kevan Ryon, Medical Intuitive Healer

“I find Ethann’s readings extremely insightful. I was blown away with how much knowledge he has about numerology, astrology, human behavior, planetary changes, energy transmissions and the future. I have used his guidance to carefully plan movements in my life so that I could align with the complimentary energies. I learned a tremendous amount about myself and how I relate to others. His readings have helped me understand and conquer more challenging times where reflection and change is necessary and also have encouraged me to take action during advantageous windows of time. I actually study astrology, numerology, metaphysics and quantum physics and I was extremely impressed with his knowledge and talent”. — Sarah V.
“I have experienced Ethann’s energy transfers for over two years now and the results never cease to amaze me. I have struggled with repressed emotions and feeling negative about life. My spirits are always instantaneously raised by Ethann’s energy transfers. The mind, as well as the body feels so much lighter, and any negative thoughts disappear. I usually leave with a fresh stream of energy, ready to take on the world. It is like the best meditation you have ever had, but 100 times more powerful, joyful and has longer life-changing affects. Distant energy transfers are just as powerful. One day, I wanted to skip my remote session because I was too busy, but such a powerful wave of energy suddenly hit me that I had to tune in and experience it. I am so appreciative of these sessions!” – Yelena S.
“I have found Ethann’s reading to be very insightful.  Ethann said much about me that described me and described others in my life very accurately.  His description not only gave me insights toward a better understanding for myself but helped me to create a better mindset.  I had just gone through some traumatic events in my life.  Meeting Ethann and having him do my reading has helped me immensely”. — Dennis D.

“I’ve known Ethann for a long time now and watched him do astrology and numerology for me and for other people.  It truly is an amazing experience. He does it with ease and accuracy. I say that with confidence, because I have experienced it as true and accurate. For that reason I keep on asking him to look at my chart for new advice. His advice sure gives me an advantage in handling everyday situations because I know when is a good time to take action or wait a bit. Thank you Ethann.” — Zorica Z.

“The Astro-numerology reading that I had done by Ethann Fox was very thorough, insightful, and a powerful tool to explain many of my tendencies as they relate to my life and being past, present, and future.   He presented exceedingly helpful information in a very genuine, caring way, that I can use very effectively going forward.  He not only provided my Astrological and Numerology Charts, with detailed interpretation, but also included my husband’s charts, as we relate to each other as well.  As much as I enjoyed receiving this vast information, possibly the biggest offering was that of the energy exchange through him to me, during our time spent together.  This has allowed me to access higher dimensions of consciousness and remain expanded and open to new waves of information, energy, and Grace coming forth in my life in its best path or form.  It also has put to rest some nagging doubts about why I do certain things or am a certain way.” — Therese W.