April 28th, 2015
Time: 5pm Pacific / 6pm Mountain / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern /12am GMT
New Human/New Relationships
On this evening with DeAnne, the Shining Ones and Jacklyn Johnston as host, we will explore, shine the light on and invite questions around the intention of Conscious Relationships And Divine Partnership. We must be willing to love one another, see one another, be present, support and cooperate with one another in a very new way than we have been taught and conditioned over time. The new conscious relationship and divine partnerships are a choice that must be invested in ongoing, creating a new sense of balance and harmony in intimacy, in love, in family, in business, in community, in the environment and in our greater world. Come and bring your light, your light and participation to this evening of transformational energies.
DeAnne Hampton’s path of Light and remembrance has been a lifelong experience of developing a relationship and voice for the Shining Ones, an Advanced Light Race here to usher humanity into a new genetics of being. With her since birth, it was not until 2001 that these high beings of profound love and an intimate connection with planet Earth, first began communicating to her the wisdom and remembrances of a New Human species.
It was the Shining Ones who prompted the first book of a New Paradigm teaching in 2007, The New Human, Understanding Our Humanity, Embracing Our Divinity, as a companion guide to The New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. Because of her unique understanding and wisdom around sound and sacred geometry, the Shining Ones guided her to the platform of radio in 2009, where she has since had a regular webcast sharing the light-codes, transformational energies, harmonics and ancient to future teachings of a 5D World.
The Shining Ones have returned to the Earth at this time in alignment with the New Light that is here now and to cellularly assist with our capacities as a species to change our frequency, raise our consciousness and develop a very new relationship to our power as evolving beings of inherent Light and Divinity.