which of the following describes the cushing reflex?
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:). Segment 27 Manipulations: STA shrine, monsters Goal: Level 18, get the brain Major mistakes: I miscalculated the experience I needed, so I have to get that later, unfortunately. Comment: Teo's rare leg with socket, awesome. Unless you finish this quest, you cant clear Act 5. Segment 21 Manipulations: EXP shrine Goal: A bit of experience, grab the amulet Major mistakes: I completely missed the zombie boss pack on the way to the temple Notes: Segment 22 Manipulations: Monsters Goal: Level 15, Canyon of the Magi WP Major mistakes: I was a bit slow on both the portals, and the summoner took a little longer than he should Notes: In the original run, the palace and AS are split into two segments. It may not look like it here but normally I do not even get close to dying unlike this attempt (because I took my first health potion much too late) so it is definitely a very nice strat for the ancients, also for other melee-characters in normal or speedrunning play 33rd segment: This is my last segment in which all i had to do was kill Baal as fast as possible (without a shrine, because that does not work with all those curses down there). The most important part are the runes though. - Doing all actbosses with experience shrines and better times. Blizzard introduced a new act, two character classes, hundreds of new items, item classes, new enemies, new enemy and boss characteristics, and more. Did it again. ;). I wanted to get lvl 18 before I start getting the stuff nessessary for more progress. A sub-minute Izzy. They are just so easy to get 36 damage per second potions which doesn't have any chance-to-hit-requirements and gives you the best possible damage-output on level 20 besides your traps. Segment 10 Manipulations: Goal: Run to OC WP Major mistakes: Probably should have dropped a poison creeper in that first pack of devilkin Notes: Segment 11 Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, clear jail path Goal: Close to level 12, Malus, Jail lvl 1 WP Major mistakes: N/a Notes: Segment 12 Manipulations: Monsters Goal: Level 12, Inner cloister WP Majors mistakes: N/a Notes: Segment 13 Manipulations: Pelt Goal: Imbue a +3 fissure pelt Major mistakes: N/a Notes: This segment took nearly 300 tries. Comment: Just wasting the quests to get them done as fast as possible. Leveling with traps becomes really fast now, because you just have to stop at every bossgroup and drop two to five traps (takes just one to two seconds of standing still) before you can just go on running, letting the traps do the dirty work for you while you are already on the way to the next bossgroup. twice as much as champions). Assassin 0:58:52 by Sren Heinrich, done in 33 segments appended to one file. They took a commanding victory in game 1 that ended in just 25 minutes. Remember, deaths against Mephisto happen! Not much else to say, as the boss-spots were nice and static here, not much manipulation needed. Comment: Guess the experience wasn't worth trying to get the experience shrine. Druid 1:11:43 by Ricky Mitchell, done in 41 segments appended to one file. So the only "extra-way" I took here was in the last area, because of that boss-position which is very near to the direct way. 2nd segment: I did not plan on doing rakanishu-runs as bimanc did because I think my "extreme-leveling-on-the-way-method" is much more effective than just massing segments on one to two bosses early in the game, because I can at least proceed through areas while leveling, and the early areas (Cold Plains/Stony) don't give me as much xp as the later ones can do. Got as much potions as possible (Still one will be missing at Duriel sadly. If all goes as planned, you will be the proud holder of a world record time in a game! His countless iconic plays and victories have forged a legacy few exceed. 22nd segment: This part is about getting the flayer-jungle-wp and the second organ. With the first one, I would try to optimize for speed only, meaning at least sub-two-minutes. Comment: I had some issues on the act changes. Putting the leg in my second slot. Sometimes game bugs and glitches are exploited in the process to go even faster. It takes hours and hours of practice and planning and map memorization. Some missclicks here and there costs me approx. Could have saved two to three seconds there at buying, cause I was a bit slow at the time, but those three things came up SO rarely all together, that I decided to keep that segment anyway. So basically this is almost purely speed-optimized with some traps on the way, but I still got the gidbinn here because I wanted to manip some really nice ring for it which will help me a whole lot in later segments! I use the Stealth bug (discovered by bimanc), in which I make a runeword in a pre-equipped item and gain the bonuses of that runeword despite being under it's level requirement. And I was really annoyed by doing Duriel so many times. I hit esc too soon, almost forgot to go back to Act I. Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups. This covers some basics like when to start/stop your timer, what splits we generally use, and what kind of expectations you should have running this game. This one shrine is a health-pool ~70 % of the times. This covers what you need to be doing on Countess runs, how you want to view directions on maps (left, right, straight), shopping quantities, looking for items, and more. However, I had not realized that run-algorithm in the first run, so I only managed five bosses there with the tir eth drop. To do Larzuks quest, its much faster if you use the Frigid Highlands and go backward to find Shenk the Overseer. Comment: Won't need that sash because I get a belt in the next segment. (Most notably is the Telekinesis on waypoints I guess. Second one was the fight with the third wave which could cost you another ten seconds if the hydras are recast shortly before the last minion dies. Comment: Those Champion Soul killer shamans were really scary but the experience was brilliant. With a lvl 1 static I would have to stand on top of Andariel to use it which would have killed me almost every time. Also the splitting of this in 2 segments gives me an additional bossgroup in the black marsh, Manipulation: Runes + Experience shrine + Bossgroups. It gives +25% Faster Run / Walk for some time. With the latter one I would optimize for xp too, while not going too far over two minutes of course. This was the first segment, in which I allowed for two types of shrine. If your goal is to add sockets with Larzuk, this is it. Comment: I didn't go for an experience shrine here because I just wanted to get lvl 30 before nightmare. Always checking stats after Save & Quit. So in the end the 2 socketed helmet buy was a waste of a few seconds. Here I give a general introduction to Diablo 2 speedrunning. Was concidering getting the staff with +2 Frost-Armor. I also got two stamina potions for the running part here. Friend: The Ancients Way (Waypoint) Arreat Summit Open Town Portal, Friend: Worldstone Keep Level 2 (Waypoint) Throne of Destruction Open Town Portal, As esports grows, so does the number of people looking for a career in the industry. I did like 500 tries without a single fire-shrine until I finally gave up on that aim and picked up my fastest segment so far, which was a very nice one. This tutorial discussed how to run the Arcane Sanctuary. Comment: That really went smoothly. Comment: No point in even trying to get an experience shrine past council. And then you don't even have the CS-fights counted in, which can be dramatically different on different attempts depending on the number and placement of all monsters at the area. The item management in the end was far from perfect. segment 12 and 13: I decided to split the shopping-segments into two, because I still needed to get a two-socket short staff from Akara in act 1 (fastest speed of all staffs) and a belt (with fhr) + potions from Charsi and Lysander in act two and those two items together in one segments combined with a nice buying/selling speed were just too hard to get in one segment. Also used the respecc here, meaning I can redo all stats and skillpoints I got to that point. Collecting Khalims Eyes, Brain, and Heart is quite a nuisance, but if you are nearby when a friend is slaying the Council Members, you can jump past the quests and move on to slay Mephisto. Took me a lot of tries though, but the result was definitely worth it as you can see! Comment: I didn't really care if this was eth or not. I did not try to manipulate my map for the jungle part and still got one of the best maps possible as far as I know! 24th segment: This is just about getting my award for the gidbinn and a level 19 coldmerc for max-dmg. Lucky that I didn't get cursed though. Oops. Firetraps are just the ULTIMATE speedrunning skill in this game (beside teleport of course). Easy answer: It is the fastest possible way to support my merc in killing those two fire-immune-monsters (Grand Vizier of Chaos and Colenzo) that you have to kill on your way to Baal. I also needed to finally use all my stat-points on the character, which I had not done for a long time ^_^ Could have saved me another two seconds if I had put all those points in stats in earlier segments with that shift-click while running, but that is not a big deal and it would have been another source of error in earlier segments and I really didn't needed them in act 1. With a good Sorceress friend, or a rich friend who has Enigma, you can reach Larzuk within 15 minutes. First of all I want to thank SDA-staff for having this nice page online. Segment 8 Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, runes Goal: Level 9, get a needed rune Major mistakes: N/a Notes: Segment 9 Manipulations: EXP shrine, boss packs, runes, potions Goal: Level 10, get the last needed rune Major mistakes: N/a Notes: This segment took a little over 650 tries. Comment: I will use this way later. : Travincal (Waypoint) Open Town Portal, : Return to Kurast Docks and speak to Cain, : Durance of Hate Level 2 (Waypoint) Durance of Hate Level 3 Open Portal, : River of Flames (Waypoint) Open Town Portal, : Return to Pandemonium Fortress and speak to Tyrael Travel to Harrogath, : Frigid Highlands (Waypoint) Open Town Portal, : Bloody Foothills Slay Shenk the Overseer, : The Ancients Way (Waypoint) Arreat Summit Open Town Portal, : Worldstone Keep Level 2 (Waypoint) Throne of Destruction Open Town Portal. The belt gives me 3 rows of potions which makes shopping faster then permaclicking with mouse. I decided to leave Izual out although he was on the way, because taking him down would just take too long to be of any use for me. Comment: This orb is just the best possible that could happen with +3 frozen orb / +1 fb and mana. 5 th: Brilliant xp/time ratio even with the extremly messy end. 5th segment: I need three items to proceed to countess now. :). Going to Act I at the end of the segment saves time at the beginning of the next segment. I think I would have messed that up thousands of times resulting in more lost time alltogether. Two stops at monsters in the arcane sanctuary were feasible and those two were killed quite fast by me on that attempt. Manipulation: Experience shrine + Bossgroups + Amn Rune. I did a good job of that, only gained 2 seconds. So looking back at my act 1 segments, I think I could have saved at least 30 seconds here and there. Tal + Tir in this one which are 2 out of 4 Runes I need. Comment: Just want to finish this run Could have been better if I got the Worldstone WP but too risky in my opinion. Bosspacks always give such AWESOME experience that it would be absurd not to kill them, when they are only a little bit out of the way. 28th segment: Just pure running to river of flame wp here, optimized for max speed which means getting a skill-shrine on the way and not a single complete monster-block, which was quite hard to achieve. 9th segment: Alright, big segment here. Nothing interesting. I have 2 bossgroups on the way to Duriel. Comment: Just die Anya orb doesnt matter. In the Cold Plains I went up first for a very good reason. As theres usually popular demand for socketing, finding the quickest route to Larzuks quest in Act 5 is very useful. I was really lucky with my maproll, cause that nice cata-2/3-stairs made it possible for me to reach Andi within 25 seconds each attempt. In around 99.5% of the 1200 (!) Heres the fastest route to Larzuk and the fastest ways to clear each Act. Segment 33 Manipulations: Clear path Goal: River of Flame WP Major mistakes: Notes: Segment 34 Manipulations: Monsters, merc, Diablo AI Goal: Kill Diablo Major mistakes: Notes: While I have cleared CS faster, keeping Diablo moving is essential to a quick fight and a quick fight it was. 4th segment: This is just about selling stuff and getting some mana for the upcoming countess runs. In the end I had the perfect amount of bossgroups on this one. But it was too difficult to get the experience shrine through the council so I split this up. Easy answer: I reached level 12 (that was my minimum goal) and got the biggest kickass-drop EVER. But I am fine with this one. Note: This run only contains the last segment because the rest of the run is identical to the 58:52 run up to 54:52 in the video. ;). Faster hit recovery helmet here would have been way more usefull. Manipulation: 10 Fcr + Dual fire / light resistance. In the new act, Baal - The Lord of Destruction - is leading the entire extended army of Hell against the legendary Mount Arreat in the land of the barbarians, sworn protectors of the World Stone. Fissure continues to annihilate anything that moves. If you know how RARE a fire-shrine is, you can get a pretty good picture of how many attempts are needed to get one with those two prior conditions then (chances for a fire-shrine are like ~2% or something). Segment 41 Manipulations: Clear path, low monster count in throne room, quick minion kills, fast Baal Goal: Kill Baal Major mistakes: Notes: The fire druid, at this point, is EMBARRASSINGLY terrible at killing Baal. So all this adds up to ridiculously low percentages. 2 bossgroups in the sewers was extremly rare. Comment: The fire enchanted boss took quiet some time. I tried to optimize the run not only by time. Comment: In one of the segments I missed a rare staff which could have solved my gold issues I will have a little later. Also getting a merc will turn out to be a waste of time and gold over all. Without them this segment would have just been thrown away without further notice. So chances for all of this happening together are something like 0,06*0,02 = 0,0012 = ~0,12 % then. I don't really need them before, because the boss leveling tactic give me enough mana-potion drops on the way. Comment: Uhh a small challange this CS was. Comment: Again loosing a few seconds because of these cold enchanted archers. - Diablo norm was a pretty slow try (there are at least 40 seconds. You just need to finish those that give good rewards skill points, stats, imbue, or adding sockets. 3 rd: 2 bossgroups in the first temple was brilliant. :), Comment: Even more Speed 110 fcr rocks. The reason behind this is that the game has some strange experience mechanics. Kept this one because of the rarity of those belt stats. Comment: Aura went on pretty quickly after the revive. Why did I do three instead of two you may ask? Missclicking the waypoint at the start is sloppy. I should have remade this one, but I did not have the ambition back then, as I had later in the run (concerning the sub-hour-goal and such). I don't really care about anyas orb because of the Diablo drop earlier. The bossgroups here were not that good. I didn't realized it until I was at Tyrael, because it was SO unusual that you wouldn't even look up there to see if he is still alive (he was also off screen at that crucial moment in the game). Comment: Just wasting the imbue on the leg Can still use it for cows later. I had to go back to that torch to get it fixed at every attempt on this segment. It is really a pleasure to see some of the speedruns on this site. Good luck finding one ^_^ - Use more Fire Blasts in between the Wake of Fire-Traps on Andariel/Ancients/Baal. First, I wanted to damage Diablo with a fire-shrine, to reach the best time possible. Jail Level 1 wp was kinda too far off track, so I decided to run from the Outer directly to Inner Cloister. Segment 26 and 27: Just selling stuff, buying potions and gambling that +1 amulet here. Friend: Catacombs Level 2 (Waypoint) Catacombs Level 4 Open Town Portal and wait, You: Return to town and speak to Warriv Go East, Friend: Halls of the Dead Level 2 (Waypoint) Halls of the Dead Level 3 Open Town Portal, Friend: Far Oasis (Waypoint) Maggot Lair Maggot Lair Level 3 Open Town Portal, Friend: Lost City (Waypoint) Valley of Snakes Claw Viper Temple Claw Viper Temple Level 2 Open Town Portal, You: Enter Portal Gain Amulet of the Viper Transmute Amulet of the Viper and Staff of Kings to gain Horadric Staff Talk to Drognan, Friend: Arcane Sanctuary (Waypoint) Kill Summoner, You: Tell friend the shape of Tal Rashas Tomb, Friend: Canyon of the Magi (Waypoint) Tal Rashas Tomb Open Town Portal in front of Tal Rashas (Duriels) Chamber, You: Enter Portal Open Tal Rashas Chamber using Horadric Staff, Both: Enter Tal Rashas Chamber Slay Duriel, You: Move past Duriels Chamber and speak to Tyrael Return to Lut Gholein Speak to Jerhyn Speak to Meshif Sail East. Comment: Just preparing for the next segments, Comment: Merc didn't die even with those nasty properties of the countess. ^_^. This segment is all about getting to the arcance sanctuary while killing the maximum possible number of bosses on the way which I achieved. I tried to reach a segment without a single complete monster-block and I achieved this goal. My starting goal was to get around 45 minutes faster then Siyko. So in the end I have to go to town and heal up my mana to kill off Duriel. Comment: Extremly lucky that I didn't get cursed by the first boss there. The two bosses each on stony and tamo were especially nice, because they were very rarely all together in place. The fights could have gone a little smoother though. This area is just about getting to the summoner in the fastest possible time killing that one regular ghost-boss on the way. 18th segment: The coming segments are getting more and more speed-optimized rather then xp-optimized. which gives me +10 energy, +15 mana (this one allowed me to get normal mana-potions in act 4 and 5 and use them to maximum effect and probably saved me from having to shop for potions a second time), halves freeze duration (saves some seconds if you're freezed somewhere), +1 mana after each kill (just nice to have with traps, saves some more mana), 3% lifeleech and + 14 ar (useless for me, but listed anyway for the sake of completeness). Its usually a nuisance getting through all the quests in Act 3, but you dont actually need to get Khalims Eyes, Brain, and Heart to pass through to Mephisto. The only thing that really damages you from the ancients normally are their abilities whirlwind and leap attack so by standing in the corner they for some reason do not use those ugly skills on you, and just stand still hitting you with normal attacks, and that doesn't really hurt much (potion-heal > hitting-damage). Notes: Mephy is easily the hardest part of the run. 29th segment: This one is my favorite, although there was a minor flaw in it. Combining them saved a nice chunk of time. ;). Countess did NOT want to drop Ral, added to the rare EXP shrine. Up to seven bosses per run - including the countess - are possible (as you can see in the second run for example). It won't work after Save & Quit. Here are some possible improvements for runs to come: - Getting even more boss groups over all. LCK teams h, Source: LoL Esports There is a lot to be excited about with the LCS 2022 Summer Season. That is the third bottle-neck which again reduces the number of successful attempts by at least 50 %. 2 nd: This one looks really messy. I joined them all together, because the first part is easy and getting the first organ (with an xp- or skill-shrine on the way) is the only thing I had to manipulate. It's just impossible. Comment: Should really have redone this when I look back. Comment: I use the stealth bug after getting the lvl up. Some comments on the jungle. 3rd segment: This segment is really just about getting the outer cloister wp and hit level 8 before doing my countess runs. Almost missed that theese beetles. - Maybe leave out the small detours, that I made for some bosses in act 1 and try to get the same number of bosses directly in the way if possible. Usually, when you start a new character in Diablo 2: Resurrected (D2R), the quests arent always compulsory. That is why I optimized those three runs for experience and runes together, not just those two necessary double-drop-runs combined with shitty experience, assuming you don't want to sacrifice several months doing just countess-runs a few thousand times to optimize both together (which I absolutely did NOT want to do). Comment: Well Ancients are a pain in the ass and I can see the end of the run tunnelvision on. While these arent always super fun things to practice, they are important to improving! Comment: Shopping could have gone a little faster. Comment: Checking for a bossgroup spawnpoint at the start of this segment. Comment: Could have been more experience. Comment: These wailing beasts were a little annoying. In normal mode, you need to be at least 20, in nightmare, 40, and in hell, 60. I will mention the most important when I can use them. Comment: I have got to admit I am not a huge fan of myself doing this segment. Segments 36 - 39 Manipulations: Clear Path Goal: Major mistakes: Notes: These 3 Act V segments are made for optimizing running across the act. Shouldn't have wasted time with those rubys. Also thanks to the previous D2-speedrunners for providing the basis on which to build upon. Segments 6-8: These are my three Countess runs. The rest is just plain running to the necessary locations, nothing else. The champions on this monsterclass would have given much more experience. This part of the tutorial discusses how to navigate the Cold plains to find the Stony Field exit every time without ever having to enter the Burial Grounds! is slaying the Council Members, you can jump past the quests and move on to slay Mephisto. Segment 24 Manipulations: Belt Goal: Buy belt, potions Major mistakes: Notes: Segment 25 Manipulations: EXP shrine, monsters, duriel AI Goal: Level 17, kill duriel, enter Act III Major mistakes: Notes: I use the Stealth bug again here - this time in the Leaf staff - to give myself an extra +3 to fire skills. Comment: This big underground passage was one of the compromises i took with this map. So that's why they are posted separately. Thanks that you came to me Shenk. I decided against that because I had no faster cast rate at this point. Comment: Getting Potions + Equipping the stuff I just imbued / gambled. The ways between Stony Field WP Burials and Cold Plains WP Burials are really close to even in length. Comment: Just getting Wps as fast as possible. 15th segment: I decided to get the amulet before the shaft, so that I have a higher level in the maggots lair, so I can reach the staff faster. Comment: Really good amount of bossgroups in this segment. If you couldn't tell, the waypoint was not clickable untill I went in sight and back to that torch. The need for people with diverse, Source: LoL Esports Rasmus "Caps" Winther is one of the greatest League of Legends players of all time. First of all: Thanks to the SDA-staff for having this great site on. Comment: Getting merc here since I sonn have his endgear together, Comment: Don't really care for that Um-rune. Goals: WP Durance of Hate 2 + killing council, Comment: Got pretty close at those champions in durance of hate lvl 2 but I felt save. DRX then subbed in Lee Juhan&, : Catacombs Level 2 (Waypoint) Catacombs Level 4 Open Town Portal and wait, : Return to town and speak to Warriv Go East, : Halls of the Dead Level 2 (Waypoint) Halls of the Dead Level 3 Open Town Portal, : Far Oasis (Waypoint) Maggot Lair Maggot Lair Level 3 Open Town Portal, : Lost City (Waypoint) Valley of Snakes Claw Viper Temple Claw Viper Temple Level 2 Open Town Portal, : Enter Portal Gain Amulet of the Viper Transmute Amulet of the Viper and Staff of Kings to gain Horadric Staff Talk to Drognan, : Arcane Sanctuary (Waypoint) Kill Summoner, : Tell friend the shape of Tal Rashas Tomb, : Canyon of the Magi (Waypoint) Tal Rashas Tomb Open Town Portal in front of Tal Rashas (Duriels) Chamber, : Enter Portal Open Tal Rashas Chamber using Horadric Staff, : Enter Tal Rashas Chamber Slay Duriel, : Move past Duriels Chamber and speak to Tyrael Return to Lut Gholein Speak to Jerhyn Speak to Meshif Sail East, Collecting Khalims Eyes, Brain, and Heart is quite a nuisance, but if.