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The reason of the breaking out of the war was based on a difference of ijtihad. Sign In . According to Ibn Katheer in his book Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, Imam Ahmed was asked about what had happened between Muawiyah and Ali, he recited the Verse “That was a nation who has passed away. He decided to transfer the capital of his government to Kufa from Madina because it was more centrally placed in the Muslim Empire, and … When you go to bed, recite “Subhan Allah’ thirty three times, ‘Al hamduli l-lah’ thirty three times, and ‘Allahu Akbar’ thirty four times. Army of Imam Ali (a.s.): 90,000 men. Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali forbids impugning Mu`awiyah and cursing the people of Syria. R. A. Nicholson A great battle was fought at Siffin, a village on the Euphrates. It was fought between Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiyah I, on the banks of the Euphrates river, in what is now Ar-Raqqah, Syria. The two armies camped themselves at Siffin for more than one hundred days. Ali had 80,000 men, including 70 Companions of prophet who participated in the Battle of Badr, 70 Companions who took oath at Hudaibia, and 400 prominent Ansars and Muhajirun; while Muawiya had 120,000 Syrians. Mu'awiya I (Arabic: معاوية بن أبي سفيان, romanized: Muʿāwiya ibn Abī Sufyān; c. 597, 603 or 605 –April 680) was the founder and first caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate, ruling from 661 until his death.He became caliph less than thirty years after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and immediately after the four Rashidun ('rightly-guided') caliphs. (There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. He achieved a major victory over the Kharijites at the battle of Nahrawan in Iraq (658), but this, by providing the movement with martyrs, merely intensified the hatred against him. Siffin, Battle of Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Islam Covers the religious, political, and social spheres of global Islam in the modern world Related Content. In the battle of Siffin, the armies of Iraq and Syria faced each other for 110 days. × Existing user? A false story about `Amr ibn al-`As at Siffin. Before marching towards Muawiya, Imam Ali (A.S.) tried to settle matters peacefully by sending Jarir, chief of Bani Bajila and the governor of Hamdan, to Syria as an envoy. *- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Cooling off and attempts at reconciliation 18 Outbreak of fighting 20 1. A 10th-century Description This passage is from an Arabic history written by Tabari, a famous Muslim living in 10th-century Iran. Sunday, March 1, 2020. The reason for the breaking out of the war was based on a difference of ijtihad. CIMS Discussion: Understanding the stand of Imam Ali and those who opposed him at the battle of Siffin. The Battle of Siffin was part of the First Fitna (Islamic Civil War) which lasted from 656–661. He decided to transfer the capital of his government to Kufa from Madina because it was more centrally placed in the Muslim Empire, and he could halt Muawiya's progress into Iraq. It is a basic principle of rationality that if two parties have a dispute both can be wrong, but both can not be right. The article Battle of Siffin, by Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali Sallabi, examines what truly transpired in this battle — in light of authentic narrations — and refutes the baseless allegations cast against the Companions, whose virtue has been engraved in the Noble Qur’an until eternity. ), ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (q.v. The Battle of Siffin was the second battle of the First Fitna, after the Battle of the Camel. He compiled one of the most influential histories of the early Islamic period. ʿAlī’s march to Syria 13 7. 25. Still hoping against hope, war on a full fledged scale was avoided, and hostilities began on a limited scale. Their supply of arrows was exhausted, and they began pelting the forces of Ali with stones. After the battle of Jamal was over, Imam Ali (A.S.) returned from Basra to Kufa in Rajab of 36 A.H. A detachment from each side was led to fight each day. part 1. Battle of Ṣiffīn, (May–July 657 ce), series of negotiations and skirmishes during the first Muslim civil war (fitnah; 656–661), ending in the arbitration of Adhruḥ (February 658–January 659), which undermined the authority of ʿAlī as fourth caliph and prepared for the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty. 14. The Battle of Siffin | The Brother of the Prophet Muhammad: Imam ‘Ali | Al-Islam.org. After the Battle of the Camel, Amīr al-Mu’minīn ʿAlī sent Jarīr ibn ʿAbd Allah to Muʿāwiyah 11 6. ), and Muʿāwiya b. Abī Sufyān, governor of Syria, in Ṣafar 37/July 657. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. Since the issue was a political one, it ended up in the form of a war. Shia Sunni scholars discuss various points of view. Insistence of `Uthman’s murderers that the battle should continue. Army of Muawiya : 120,000 men. The first day of the battle 20 2. The battle is named after its location, Siffin, on the banks of the Euphrates. The fighting stopped after the Syrians, faced with overwhelming odds of defeat, called for arbitration. Donate: https://goo.gl/H8Rjbr IQRA Cartoon is able to continue thanks to your support and prayers. Battle which took place during the first civil war between the fourth caliph (q.v. The Battle of Islam at Siffin: After the battle of Jamal was over, Imam Ali (A.S.) returned from Basra to Kufa in Rajab of 36 A.H. The Battle Of Siffin. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love … Biography of Abu Musa al-Ash`ari. The plains of Siffin located close to the city of Allepo in Syria. The Syrians next look to javelins and lances. Siffīn (Arabic: صِفّین) is an area in the west of al-Raqqa (the left bank of Euphrates River in the north of Syria ). Had it been won, the political injustices of Saqifa could have finally been undone, the Khilafat al-Ilahiya (Vicegerency of God) could have finally been truly established, and the source of Fitna and division in Islam (namely, the Umayyids ) could have finally been eliminated once and … Praise be to Allah. Guests can now reply in ALL forum topics (No registration required!) The battle waged for the whole day and the two detachments retired to their respective camps at nightfall. Casualties: 25,000 from the army of Imam Ali (a.s.) and 45,000 from the army of Muawiya. This part records 'Ali's statement to some Syrians at Siffin. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Ali added, ‘I have never failed to recite it ever since.” Somebody asked, “Even on the night of the battle of Siffin?” He said, “Even on the night of the battle of Siffin.” Eventually the arbitration of matters between the two sides came to depend on the swords. Muʿāwiyah’s going out to Ṣiffīn 14 8. Good Topics For A Compare And Contrast Paper. THE BATTLE OF SIFFIN AND THE ARBITRATION TRICK. They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you … As the day wore on, the position of the army of Muawiyah began worsening. Salam, Today, I'm reading about the battle of Siffin and it's heartbreaking. The battle of Siffeen took place between the army of ʻAli and the army of Muʻaawiyah both, due to the dispute over the unavenged murder of ʻUthmaan. It should be understood – may Allah protect us and you from confusion and specious arguments, both obvious and subtle – that the Companions of Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) were the best companions of the best Prophet, especially the four Rightly Guided Caliphs. Applying this to the battles of Jamal and Sifeen, will both the murderers and the murdered be in heaven, because both were right? ; many Muslims were martyred in this battle. The second day 22 3. Finally they fell on the troops of Ali with swords. What angers me is the disobedience of the Muslims, who were on Ali's side, until near the end of the Battle. Arbitration. When the battle was fought : 1st or 8th of Safar 37 A.H., January 657 AD for about 2 weeks. Second only to Saqifa, the Battle of Siffin was perhaps the most devastating event in Islamic history. ; many Muslims were martyred in this battle. The battle continued during the night as well. The people of Kufa were the builders of his army whose support was indispensable in defeating his opponents in Basra. Ali ibn Abi Talib Khariji ; Umayyad Caliphate ; Siffin, Battle of Access to the complete content on Oxford Islamic Studies Online requires a subscription. Battles- Jamal and Siffin: Right or wrong. The fight for the water 17 9. The Battle took place in 657, in Siffin, which is located in the east of ar-Raqqa in the basin of Euphrates. The Battle of Siffin was officially over but Malik ibn Ashter, now “the chained dragon of the Arabs,” resolutely refused to witness the document of agreement. 'the day of Siffin') was fought between the Rashidun army of the fourth caliph Ali (r. 656–661) led by Malik ibn al-Harith and the Syrian forces of Mu'awiya commanded by Amr ibn al-As. After the battle of Jamal was over, Imam Ali (AS) returned from Basra to Kufa in Rajab of 36 A.H. ... which had already camped at Siffin. Press J to jump to the feed. The Battle of Siffin (Arabic language: صفين‎; May–July 657 CE) occurred during the First Fitna, or first Muslim civil war, with the main engagement taking place from July 26 to July 28. Siffin. Arbitration. The people of Kufa were the builders of his army whose support was indispensable in defeating his opponents in Basra. This ghastly battle was the product of the ambition and the lust for power of Muawiya and Amr bin Aas. While as Sunni Muslims we are not normally concerned with the details of the conflicts between some of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), today there have arisen many websites and publications that venture to … This ‘Ali could not do, and from Siffin onwards he had to devote more time to his struggle against the Kharijites and less to that with Mu‘awiya. He decided to transfer the capital of his government to Kufa from Madina because it was more centrally placed in the Muslim Empire, and he could halt Muawiya's progress into Iraq. The battle took place at the village of Siffin in Syria on the banks of the Euphrates in July 657. Sunni Interpretation of The Battle of Siffin / the First Fitna or the first Muslim civil war . Amir al-Mu’minin `Ali visits a graveyard on his way back from Siffin. Insistence of `Uthman’s murderers that the battle should continue. However, Jarir became so engrossed in the entertainment that Muawiya put his way, that he wasted his time in Syria. Since the issue was a political one, it ended up in the form of a war. It was fought between Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth of the Rashidun caliphs, and Muawiyah I on the banks of the Euphrates river in Siffin around the present-day Syrian city of Raqqa.