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juliecJulie Calvey’s Mission is to aid in the Awakening of Humanity, one Soul at a time, guiding them to fifth dimensional consciousness. This Mission was given to her by Source as she is Source, having created herself. She has a special connection with Source which speaks to and through her, for herself and for others.

Julie is a human agent for the evolution of Humanity, the Planet and the Universe.

Julie’s message is this:

You all incarnated onto this planet at this time of Spiritual Renaissance in order to bring humanity and this planet back to her original BluePrint, that of Love, Light, Wholeness, Oneness and much more – the Enlightened Planet from which she has fallen. This is your Soul Mission and Life Purpose and I am here to guide you to this Awakening.

Before coming to this beautiful planet Earth you spent time, as Soul, on other planets inside this Solar System, such as Hadar, which knows Divine Love, Mintakan, which knows Light, Alpha Centuri, which knows Creator Source as well as other planets of high frequency. Some of you are Parallels, who live in 4 parallel universes including this one, at the same time.

This is the Truth of You. When you remember and Embody these truths, your innate spiritual abilities will come to you naturally and you will step into 5D with the most ease and grace, ALWAYS! It is your destiny. And I am here to guide you to each step of the way. It is fun and easy.


worldSession 1: Discover Your Planetary Home

To determine your home planets and to take you on your first trip to your primary planet. This will be recorded so that you can do the same for multiple home planets as your trips are taken through your Soul Space and special words are required. This is a technique unique to Julie.



Session 2: Discover your parallelsParallel Lives

Discovering your parallel Universes requires a different technique, which Julie also discovered.

This will also be recorded so that you can discover all of your parallel Universes on your own going forward.


Create Your Life by Intent not Default

As you grow in frequency your ability to manifest will increase and the lag time will lessen. You are all great creators, and create the life you live. For the sake of Humanity and the Planet, I am offering you my Webinar replay: Create by Intent.

BONUS: 20 minute follow up recorded telephone/skype session with Julie to cover any related questions that have come up after your two sessions.






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Julie Calvey is a truly loving, dynamically alive bright light. Having been personally transformed by divine light and love, she has emerged from this dramatic awakening with a genuine calling to bring that light and love to you. She is now a voice of soulful truth and serves you as a gifted guide—leading you from darkness into light, from pain into joy. As you experience her channeled energies, you find your heart opening to levels of personal freedom never before imagined.

Bill Baumann

Julie has taken me from doubt to confidence in such a short time I am astounded with myself. Her laser sharp focus on ME and allowing me to be who I am has brought out in me what I have always wanted to be. I’ve wanted this my entire life and here I am birthing my innate spiritual abilities into the world and stepping into 5D at the same time. I have fully embodied my Hadarian Essences and go into the world as Divine Love. People come to me as If I “know” something – and I do. I vibrate Divine Love and people seem to want to be near me. It inspires them. I could not thank you more, Julie. I am so happy to be living my lifelong dream!

Gina P.

When I first started seeing Julie I could barely get off the floor. I literally didn’t know what to do with myself because I couldn’t care less about anything. I have had a 180 turn-around in a very short time since my sessions with Julie. I thought I would be in good shape if I could find a simple job but that wasn’t good enough for Julie.  We are going further, bigger, greater, as she knows, as I do, that I have much more to contribute to myself, to humanity, to my family, during this time around. FIVE STARS! Embodying and remembering who I am is KEY!

Lauri K.

Julie, going to this Parallel Universe felt like Sanat Kumara’s Shamballah above the Gobi Desert, where I have studied years ago. I know Sanat Kumara from the Venus where he was residing before Shamballah was created as his seat since he decided to save planet Earth and bring the light back here. Anyway, it was a wonderful journey you guided me on yesterday and I feel full of gratitude and humility. Thank you for this experience.

Silvia B.